Master in Water Engineering Water Supply and Drainage Systems
Water Supply in a historical approach Professor in charge: Alberte Martínez
Trends on drinking water access and sanitation, Global Drinking Water Trends –Regional Trends –Urban-Rural Disparities –Social Disparities –Gender and the Burden of Collecting Water Global Sanitation Trends –Regional Trends –Urban-Rural Disparities –Social Disparities –Gender and sanitation
Global Drinking Water Trends Regional Trends Urban-Rural Disparities Social Disparities Gender and the Burden of Collecting Water
Source: (The) World's Women Trends and Statistics. UNDESA, 2010
Global Sanitation Trends Regional Trends Urban-Rural Disparities Social Disparities
Gender and sanitation Inadequate access to safe, hygienic and private sanitation facilities is a source of shame, physical discomfort and insecurity for millions of women across the world.