By Paulien Osse Director WageIndicator Foundation - August Bonn Today Introduction – share and compare How our dream fits the World Bank’s mission A unique global data service Target audience Who benefits from our work? From Snail Mail to Interaction Make Paper Digital - Towards online libraries Emerging markets: a different approach
Share and compare… More labour market transparency for the benefit of all. Employers, employees and workers worldwide. Sharing and comparing information on Wages, Labour Law and Career. By Paulien Osse Director WageIndicator Foundation - August Bonn … with everyone 70 plus countries, millions of users and contributors, truly global. 6 offices, 100 team members of different age, color, educational background. A balance between global analysis and local perfection.
USERS AND PARTICIPANTS How our dream fits the World Bank’s mission World Bank’s mission: ‘End extreme poverty within a generation and boost prosperity’ WageIndicator’s dream: ‘Ensure that everybody on the globe gets a fair pay, through sharing and comparing wage and labour law data with all local and global stakeholders’
Make Paper Digital National WageIndicator websites function as online, up to date labour market libraries for all. Clear structure: Salaries, Labour law, Career. There is a lack of coherent labour market information, easy to access, easy to understand, independent, free of politics, in many countries. Offline Library Online Library
International Comparable Data Bases Minimum Wages Public Sector Wages Living Wages Wages by Occupation Wages in Collective Agreements (CBA) Decent Work Check per Country on Commuting, Domestic Work, Contracts, Parttime Work, Fair Treatment, Family Responsibilities, Health and Safety, Leave and Holiday, Labour Unions, Maternity, Social Security, Sick Leave, Working Hours and Overtime Mapping and Collecting Labour Data Offline and Online WageIndicator offers a unique global data service
Target audiences Employees Insight in salaries of peers, easy and transparent access to labour rights. Assistance to get better pay. Employers & Businesses Understanding wage levels. Understanding the law. Be able to compare with other countries in the region. To share and use Collective Agreements. All cost effective. Social Partners Insight in the labour market, wages and work conditions of a region, country or groups of countries. Researchers Rich micro data, international comparable Media Each day news and numbers from around the corner and from around the globe.
Online - Assist both individual workers and employers with real wage data during negotiations and job search. (Salary Checks in more than 50 Countries) Who benefits Offline - Trade Unions, Employers, Workers, Labour Inspectors... with comprehensive insight in national Labour Law, and how to comply with it. (Offline debates in 30 countries) … all use our legal helpdesk. Assist individual workers and employers with problems of daily working life. (Legal help desk in more than 50 countries)
USERS AN PARTICIPANTS From Snail Mail to Interaction WageIndicator makes people interact Millions of visitors shared, and continue to share their wage and working conditions, thereby informing colleagues and peers around the world about their working life. These people are the real participants in WageIndicator.
In some Countries WageIndicator is already a Brand. Here millions come to check their salaries. In Countries that recently joined Minimum Wage and access Legal Info are the issues. Therefore WageIndicator sets up: Compliance forms / Mediation Round table debates on Law & Compliance Legal helpdesk and Mobile judge 2000 face to face interviews per country Compatible offline and online surveys Emerging markets – our approach
Paulien Osse Director Wage Indicator Foundation Plantage Muidergracht TV Amsterdam The Netherlands skype: paulienosse