David Preston
I would like to prepare a mock-up of Zippo Lighters, and create key features and training information. For now, the project would include a small area of the factory and would target only one department. I had originally wanted to set up some mock work stations and actually be able to have the SL characters attempt to use them but at this point I lack the scripting experience required so for now I will be using slideshows and other props. The project would eventually used in attempts to persuade the Zippo company to incorporate instructional design into their training process.
Zippo Lighter company. They are Located in Bradford, P.A. Zippo has the funds to incorporate instructional design Into their training program for new hires but I don’t believe that Zippo is aware of the technology or the potential that exists. Convincing a company to change a training process that is has been using for years. Target Audience Strengths Constraints
-Lesson will take place in a mock-up department in the factory. - I will have to completely build the mock-up. -It will allow group access. -Any Avatars involved -People will play themselves acting as a new hire.
-Before entering Second Life I would give a general overview of the purpose of the demonstration as well as a quick lesson on navigating your Second Life avatar. -Once in Second Life the user will be able to tour an area of the factory, learning about different rules and topics of safety. -The participants go in as many times as they need to in order to get a feel for everything. -After the session we will discuss information learned and assess whether the simulation is practical or not.
- Second Life offers the ability to re-create situations from a visual standpoint and allows users to interact in a trial and error manner with the outcomes being risk free. Also, the user is able to interact as many times as they need until they feel comfortable with the scenario. - I am attempting to present the advantages of Second Life by showing how it can effectively create more awareness and productivity in the workplace as opposed to the current training program. -In this activity, everything you do in Second Life will be a direct representation of what you would do in the same real life situation.
-I anticipate multiple obstacles in the process of this project’s creation. My main obstacle being the fact that I know exactly what I would like to do but lacking some of the ability to create it. Also, even targeting the focus on one specific area still leaves me with a lot to cover and I have to decide which things are most important. Do I want to lean toward safety topics or assembly topics? Or both? And lastly, I feel I may run into space restrictions. - As far as support, I will need to refer to many Second Life building and Scripting manuals. I have some building skills but lack scripting knowledge. -So many things make this project worth doing. The possibility of changing someone's mind about how they have done something for years. The ability to show how instructional design can effectively be used in the workplace to save time and money. Also, to get more practice using Second Life and instructional Design. - I am just excited about using Second Life for my final project. I have a great time building objects and bringing them to life. Its great to be able to display your ideas in a virtual world for everyone to see. I think no matter how this project turns out, it will be a great learning experience.