ABOUT US Final year graduate students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rijeka Double major: MA in TEFL & informatics education
OVERVIEW OF OUR PRESENTATION General overview of Croatian universities and relevant faculties General information about English language programmes Detailed look at six MA in TEFL programmes Q&A
UNIVERSITIES IN CROATIA Approx students at public universities (school year 2013/14) 7 public universities 4 faculties of humanities and social sciences / philosophy 5 English language departments 5 double major programmes (one of the majors being MA in TEFL) 1 single major MA in TEFL programme MA in TEFL is referred to as „nastavnički smjer” (teacher education)
UNIVERSITIES THAT OFFER MA IN TEFL PROGRAMMES University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb (Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu): 7364 students, academic 2013/14 year Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Philosophy Osijek (Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku): 1561 students University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rijeka (Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci): 1495 students University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Split (Filozofski fakultet u Splitu): 1473 students University of Zadar English Department (Odjel za anglistiku)
LOCATION OF THE FACULTIES Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka
ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMMES - GENERAL BA in English language and literature / anglistics: 3 years, 180 ECTS MA programmes usually offered (2 years, 120 ECTS): TEFL Linguistics Translation Culture & literature
ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMMES - TEFL Nation-wide it is mandatory to attain 60 out of the required 120 ECTS in teaching competences (teacher education courses) across 2 years Teaching competences are gained from both general psychology, pedagogy, didactics courses and applied linguistics & TEFL-related courses MA in TEFL programmes include teaching practice in both elementary and high schools
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB 1/3 2 years (120 ECTS) Single (10 students per year) and double major (25 students per year) Admission criterion: finished BA in English language and literature Head of the TEFL section: Assistant Professor Renata Geld, PhD
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB 2/3 Curriculum and content: Core TEFL courses: Glottodidactics (5 ECTS) – single major only Teaching English as a Foreign Language (5 ECTS) English Teaching Practicum I, II, III, IV (2 or 3 ECTS) – III & IV only for single major students Certification: diploma (mag. educ. philol. angl.)
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB 3/3 Practicum: 15+ teaching activities across 2 semesters Single major: 15+ hours of observation Using a diary / portfolio Reflection on teaching experience Learning how to design teaching activities and units Evaluation: teaching + portfolio
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT 1/3 2 years (120 ECTS) Double major only Admission criterion: finished BA in English language and literature ELT methodology professor: professor Sanja Čurković-Kalebić
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT 2/3 Curriculum and content: Core TEFL courses: Glottodidactics (5 ECTS) English Language Teaching Methodology (5 ECTS) English Teaching Practicum (5 ECTS, final semester) Certification: diploma (mag. educ. philol. angl.)
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT 3/3 Practicum: 25 observation hours 20 teaching hours 20 lesson / unit design hours Using a portfolio Evaluation: 80% of the final grade from school teaching, 20% from the portfolio
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF OSIJEK 1/3 2 years (120 ECTS) Double major only Admission criterion: finished BA in English language and literature Glottodidactics professor & coordinator of MA in TEFL programme: professor Višnja Pavičić Takač
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF OSIJEK 2/3 Curriculum and content: Core TEFL courses: Glottodidactics (6 ECTS) English language teaching methodology (3 ECTS) Teaching practicum (5 ECTS) Certification: diploma (mag. educ. philol. angl.)
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF OSIJEK 3/3 Practicum: 15 hours of practice before entering schools 30 hours of portfolio and teaching analysis 8 hours of classroom observation 5 hours of peer observation 14 teaching hours 45 TA hours
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF ZADAR 1/3 2 years (120 ECTS) Double-major exclusively Admission criterion: finished BA in English language and literature (or similar, which requires taking differential exams)
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF ZADAR 2/3 Curriculum and content: Teacher education courses (60 ECTS) Core TEFL courses: Principles of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teaching English Language Teaching Methodology English Teaching Practicum I & II Certification: diploma (mag. educ. philol. angl.)
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF ZADAR 3/3 Practicum: 15 hours / semester in schools Practicum I evaluation: 50% portfolio (observation diary, observaton report, teaching materials), 50% teaching participation Practicum II evaluation: 70% teaching, 10% portfolio (diary, materials, mentor’s evaluation), 20% class participation
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA (FFRI) 1/3 2 years (120 ECTS) Double-major exclusively Admission: finished BA in English language and literature Certification: diploma (mag. educ. philol. angl.)
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA (FFRI) 2/3 Curriculum and content: Teacher education courses (60 ECTS) : General - education and psychology (core and elective) English applied linguistics and TESOL (core and elective) Core TEFL courses Introduction to ELT (4 ECTS) ELT Methodology course (6 ECTS) Pre-service training/Teaching practice at schools (4 ECTS) Elective courses: Cultural aspects of ELT, Approaches and Methods to ELT, Assessment, Teaching literature
MA IN TEFL AT UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA (FFRI) 3/3 Practicum (4 ECTS): Teaching practice in both elementary & secondary schools hrs. classroom observation hrs. teaching hrs. microteaching hrs. peer observation hrs. teaching assistant activities Final grade: 60% teaching (full lessons), 20% microteaching activities, 20% student portfolio (materials + EPOSTL)
LITERATURE & REFERENCES Statistics: (Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education) Programme information: FFRI: UNIZD: i& i& FFZG: FFOS:
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