Environmental Products of Biotechnology
Biodiesel Biodiesel is the name of clean burning alternative fuel, its produced from domestic and renewable resources. Biodiesel does not contain petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petroleum diesel, to create a biodiesel blend.
Purposes of this product The purpose of this product is that it’s better for the environment because it is made of renewable resources and it has lower emissions rather than what petroleum diesel has. It’s less toxic then table salt and it biodegrades fast as sugar. Since it was made in the united states from renewable resources like soybeans, it decreases our depending on foreign oil and contributes to our economy.
pros It’s simple to use. It’s biodegradable, and nontoxic. And it has no sulfur and aromatics. And also safe to handle
cons Biodiesel that is blended with petroleum can minimize power loss. The elastomeric seal swelling and hardening, cracking, and severe engine lubricant degradation. pros It’s simple to use. It’s biodegradable, and nontoxic. And it has no sulfur and aromatics. And also safe to handle
composting Composting is natures process of recycling decomposed organic material into a rich soil know as compost anything that was once living will decompose. It is basically returning nutrients back into the soil. The purpose of this is to improve the quality of the soil. Pros Conditioner for soil A natural pesticide for the soil Cons The process smells and production of methane, which is a greenhouse gas.
Methane gas for energy Littleton, Colorado people are turning gas into a new energy source, U.S. and Indian organizations are exploring ways to use methane gas from Indian landfills for fuel, heating and electricity. Pros Farmers can use it to produce electricity. Cons It has a greenhouse gas effect 21 times that of carbon dioxide.
Ethanol biofuel The largest national use of ethanol biofuel exists in Brazil (gasoline sold in Brazil contains at least 20% ethanol and hydrous ethanol is also used as fuel). In order for ethanol (ethyl alcohol) to be suitable for use as a replacement to petrol in its pure form, it must be distilled to at least 70-80% purity by volume before use. The purpose of this is Ethanol is a renewable fuel that comes from agricultural feedstock, and thus can be produced domestically. Pros Ethanol is a renewable fuel Cons ethanol prices fluctuate on a different cycle than gasoline, meaning that ethanol is sometimes cheaper but sometimes more expensive.
Plastic products made from corn Corn plastics are plastics made from PLA (polylactide). PLA is made from corn. Corn plastic products look and feel just like regular plastic, but they are 100% biodegradable and compostable. Corn is a renewable resource which makes corn plastics much more sustainable than regular plastic. Did you know that regular plastic is made from petroleum?