MAT 105 Spring 2008
We’re probably most familiar with seeing bar codes on the products we buy in the grocery store However, machine-readable codes show up in many different places We’ve already seen the numbers printed on checks using magnetic ink; these numbers are readable by both machines and people
The POSTNET code can be found on most mass-mail address labels, including junk mail and magazines POSTNET stands for POSTal Numeric Encoding Technique The code looks like this The sequence of light and dark bars represents the ZIP+4 of the address
There are 52 bars in total, some “tall” and some “short” The first and last bars are always tall; these are called guard bars and simply indicate where the code begins and ends The remaining 50 bars represent 10 digits (5 bars each): the ZIP + 4, plus a check digit
The codes are read using this chart: 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 –
Let’s translate this POSTNET code Using the chart (and remembering to ignore the very first and very last bars), we see that the code represents the digits The ZIP+4 represented here is , and the check digit is 2
The check digit is chosen so that the sum of all the digits (including the check digit) ends in a zero Sometimes POSTNETs don’t have 10 digits If the “plus 4” part of the ZIP code is missing, there will be 6 total digits (5 digit ZIP code plus check digit) Sometimes there are 2 additional digits (called the “delivery point”) when the ZIP+4 isn’t enough information
If you brought a piece of mail that has a POSTNET code on it, check to make sure that you can translate the sequence of tall and short bars into the ZIP code shown on the label
You may have noticed that in the POSTNET code, all of the bar patterns have exactly two tall bars and three short bars This allows the system to not only detect, but also correct errors
Consider the POSTNET bar code shown here Show that this code has an error Use the check digit to correct the error lılıılılıılllııılııılıllııılıllııllııılıllılııılııll We can tell that the code is ?3294 Using the check digit, we can tell that the unknown digit must be 1
We have already discussed the 12 digit UPC How is the pattern of light and dark vertical bars related to this code? The bars represent those digits in a way that can be read by scanners (such as those in the supermarket)
The light and dark bars represent patterns of 0’s and 1’s Light = 0, Dark = 1
Similar to the guard bars at the beginning and end of the POSTNET bar code, the UPC bar code has certain features that help the scanner determine how to read the code One problem that scanners encounter is that bar codes on different products have different sizes
The bar code breaks down like this: 101 – the code starts with this alternating pattern to help the scanner determine how wide each bar is First 6 digits – each digit is represented by 7 bars – this code separates the left-hand side of the code from the right-hand side Last 6 digits – each digit is again represented by 7 bars 101 – the code ends like it begins, with another “guard” pattern
The code for translating digits 0-9 into light and dark bars is binary Binary means we only have two options: 0 or 1, light or dark The POSTNET code is also binary: tall or short
Use the following table to determine how to translate from digits 0-9 to sequences of 0’s and 1’s Notice that the rules are different for “left side” digits versus “right side” digits DigitLeft-sideRight-side
Why would we use different rules for the left side and the right side? Notice that all the left-side digits have an odd number of 1’s and the right-side digits have an even number of 1’s This allows the scanner to read the code even if the code is upside down!
Use the table from the previous slide to decode this UPC bar code Answer: