We need Help! January 2013
Introduction. The National Member Services Committee has developed a series of National Education Seminars to help our Lodges run more effectively. A number of sessions are available ranging from meeting management to public relations. Just contact the National office for more information ( ).
Topics of Discussion. Understanding that there is help available. Determining what best suits your Lodge. Accessing the National programs. Motivating your members.
Are we Alone? Sometimes it’s easy to forget there are other Elks out there besides our Lodge members. We have strong Provincial/Territorial Associations ready to help out. We have a National Member Services Committee working hard to help our Order grow. You are not alone, but you have to take the first step!
The First Step. Each Lodge is a bit different and what works in one area may not work in another. You know your Lodge better than anyone. Determine what might work best for your Lodge and put a plan together. Discuss the plan with your Provincial/Territorial Membership Committee and District Deputy. Get something started that will help you bring in new members.
How can my Association help? There is a Membership Director in your Province or Territory that is eager to help you build your Lodge. You can find their name and number in your Lodge Directory or on the national website at If you need help call the National office at The Provincial/Territorial Membership Director is familiar with all the programs and funding available.
What about National? There is a National Member Services Committee that has funding, material and some great ideas available for your Lodge. Your Lodge has a copy of the Lodge Membership Director’s Manual. Find it. Read it. The programs are all outlined. There are incentive programs, promotional information, educational literature and resource team lists. You just have to ask.
Make a Change. Attitude is the most important thing you can change. If your Lodge is having internal problems - fix them. If your Lodge is having boring meetings - fix them. If your Lodge doesn’t do anything but bingos - fix it.
Money, Money, Money. There is money available to help with your Lodge Revitalization projects. Talk to your members - come up with an idea and contact your Association Membership Director. Be creative - try something new and different. Whether you need money, advice, or someone to stop by and help, let us know.
Recap. There is help available at the National and Provincial/Territorial levels. There are programs available to help your Lodge deal with its problems. There is funding available to help you put on a revitalization project. Your Lodge has to take the first step and ASK!
Putting it into Action. Review the material in the Lodge Membership Director’s Manual. Clean up any internal problems in your Lodge. Come up with a revitalization plan and contact the Association Membership Director. Get some help and put the plan into action.