The case for professional qualifications in management & integration in HE awards
Chartered Management Institute CMI is a professional body. It is the only chartered professional body dedicated to raising standards of management and leadership across all sectors of UK commerce and industry. By setting professional management standards – built into our qualifications, membership criteria and learning resources – we recognise individual capability and give employers confidence in their managers’ performance.
Our role Awarding Body Member Organisation Employers Vision - ‘Better led and better managed organisations’ Through - ‘Increasing the number and standard of professionally qualified managers and leaders’
Our main strategic aims Raising standards in management & leadership Increasing profile and influence Increasing membership Attracting younger managers Supporting ‘Access to the Professions’
CMI Qualifications Portfolio …and Frameworks Qualification Credit Framework Scottish Credit Qualification Framework (SCQF) European Qualification Framework & National Framework of qualifications for Ireland
Profile ‘ widening & deepening our appeal ’ Major research into M&L making a difference demonstrating that investment pays Increasing influence and reach within government & large organisations On-going growth of Campus CMI National awareness campaign PR Building on web and social media presence – app, face book, twitter to assist approved centres (FE, HE, PTP)
Youth ‘engaging with tomorrow’s leaders’ Students - conversation - messaging - mentoring - case studies Communications - social networking Making M + L fun - Battle For The Boardroom Campus CMI - Introducing students to M+L at school
Too many managers remain unqualified 1 in 5 managers in the UK have had no professional management training in their career Managers themselves are committed to professional development, but they require the support of the organisation Our research shows that organisations which invest wisely in L&D interventions, are more effective and perform better If we provide HE with the necessary routes for progression to M&L qualifications, we will build the pipeline of future managers The case for integration
CMI is working closely with HE to offer added value and a USP to their under & post graduate programme This is done by mapping the programmes into CMI professional qualifications at appropriate levels Students leaving then have 2 qualifications This begins their journey to chartered status (the pinnacle of a manager’s career) CMI can now embed Chartered Manager status into the qualification Chartered Status offers recognition of the consistent delivery of business improvement delivered throughout their career – they are making a difference on a daily basis The case for integration
CMI has historically, and continues to form strategic partnerships with HE (CASS, Oxford Brookes, Greenwich University) We offer students ongoing support through our class leading management & leadership library and on-line resources These provide students with the tools to help them formulate best practice and ease them into employment When starting in their first roles, they possess the knowledge to begin managing others with confidence They will feel less intimidated when tasked with ‘managing’ in their first roles The case for integration
CMI offers a holistic approach for HE to work with us Mapping of the programme is front-loaded and signposted from the beginning of the student journey This ensures students are fully aware that what they are undertaking provides them with competence aligned to the National Occupational Standard for Management & Leadership Support is available through our membership – which all studying members can have access to The case for integration