Introduction ZigBee is a standard suite of high level protocols It designed for reliable wireless networked monitoring and control. It is an IEEE standard for low cost, low data rate wireless networks.ZigBee is an advanced technology, for PAN Less data rate features of ZigBee result in low power consumption and make it useful in wireless sensor networks
HISTORY. ZigBee suite development was started in 1998 and has been revised in The term ‘ZigBee’ This paper aims at reporting an initial introduction of WSN subsequently overview of ZigBee technology characteristics, architecture and security.
WSN These are a large number of tiny sensing self-powered nodes which collect the information as they are configures to detect specific incidents and to transmit in a wireless fashion
ZIGBEE APPLICATION Home Control Industrial Control Health Care Building Automation Environment Computer and peripherals
ZIGBEE OVER IEEE ZigBee defines standard for low rate WPAN (LR-WPAN) to support the devices that require minimal energy and to be operated in the personal operating space of about 10-12m. ZigBee There are two types of devices which can be a part of a typical LR-WPAN network: a full-function device (FFD) a reduced-function device (RFD).
Network Layer Network layer interfaces between application layer and MAC Layer. This Layer is responsible for network formation and routing.
Zigbee Topology
Application Layer The application Layer is the highest protocol layer and it hosts the application objects. ZigBee specification separates the APL layer into three different sub-layers: the Application Support Sub layer, the ZigBee Device Objects, and Application Framework having manufacturer defined Application Objects.
Zigbee Implementation
Reliability and Security Reliability means assurance of data to be reached to the destination without any corruption. This corruption may occurfrom any interference radio interference in case of ZigBee,.Reliability measures that how wireless network operates in protected environment along with nearby operated wireless networks even on same frequency band.
Conclusion ZigBee infrastructure includes the tiny low powered devices which may operate for several years before their batteries are exhausted. ZigBee suite supports multiple topologies and it is standard developed by the ZigBee Alliance, having a many member companies, from the embedded hardware industry, software developers to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). This paper describes the initial details, ZigBee standard. However IEEE , standards are available in market for wireless network solutions but their higher cost, high power requirements debar them to be utilized at mass level as ZigBee, especially in unattended environment conditions.
ZigBee seems to be an effective solution of low power wireless networks where not too much continuous data stream is to be captured and transferred at very high data rate, resulting in battery exhaustion rapidly. Many applications really need such sensor nodes based networks over ZigBee. Ultimate goal of these applications is to deploy the variety of sensors in geographically critical areas generally and then utilize these heterogeneous sensors to capture different physical parameters as desired by their configuration at a specific predetermined trigger time and rate and to forward the data to further network or internet. Such application may not require continuous streaming of data necessarily and hence comfortable with low power source for a long period till power lasts. Multiple hardware and software OEM standards have been already been built and many are in process of development to meet with requirement of such ZigBee based wireless sensor networks.