Aim: What was Jacksonian Democracy? 1) What are some interesting facts about Andrew Jackson? 2) Based on these facts, what type of President do you think Jackson will be? opics/us- presidents/andrew- jackson/videos/andrew- jacksons-firsts
General Jackson Seventh President ( ) Rose to political power after fame gained during the War of 1812 It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.- Andrew Jackson, July 10, 1832 Distrusted the power of “political elites” Sought to be the “people’s president” Strong basis of Southern support, supported slavery
General Jackson Became the leader of the Democratic Party (his opponents, including Henry Clay, would become known as Whigs) Expanded the right to vote to all white males, regardless of wealth (but did nothing to help, and in some cases hurt, the standing of women, blacks and Native Americans)
King Andrew I “To the victor goes the spoils”- William L. Macy, U.S. Senator and supporter of Andrew Jackson What do you think this quote means? How does it relate to the powers that Andrew Jackson has as President??
Spoils System Jackson will fill over 10% of the Federal government of personal friends and supporters, regardless of qualification Why might some people find this so problematic?
Jackson worked to enhance the power of the Presidency, vetoing many bills and issuing numerous executive orders Opponents would label him “King Andrew” in response
Jackson as a Strict Constructionist Jackson disfavored Clay’s American System, and vetoed many roads and canals
Bank War Jackson viewed the National Bank as something that favored the rich and powerful over the rest of Americans, and vowed to destroy it 1832 Election- Jackson ran on closing the bank, Henry Clay ran on keeping it open
Bank War Jackson wins- Closes down the National Bank and redistributes the funds and powers to various state banks
Nullification Crisis South Carolina labeled the tariffs put in place earlier as the “Tariff of Abomination” Threatened to nullify the tariffs, and secede if this was not allowed Jackson: dislikes tariffs, but dislikes this even more Where else have we heard of Nullification before?
President Jackson’s Proclamation Regarding Nullification, December 10, 1832 What is Jackson saying the States cannot do? What other way do they have to fix these problems?
President Jackson’s Proclamation Regarding Nullification, December 10, 1832 How does Jackson compare the tariffs to earlier laws other people did not like? What will happen if states can nullify federal law?
President Jackson’s Proclamation Regarding Nullification, December 10, 1832 What justification does South Carolina have to secede? Does Jackson agree with it? How do these supporters of secession get people to agree with them?
President Jackson’s Proclamation Regarding Nullification, December 10, 1832 According to Jackson, what is the only way to prevent the tariff laws from being put into place? What would this amount to?
Nullification Crisis Resolution Henry Clay would foster a compromise: Lower tariffs if South Carolina went along with them Results: Many still left feeling as if secession is acceptable Federal power strengthened Secession found to be treason by the government
Do you think Jackson truly earned the title of the “people’s president”? Why or why not?