Belle Tamir, Sharet High School Nitzan Atia, Tchernichovsky High School Netanya, Israel.


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Presentation transcript:

Belle Tamir, Sharet High School Nitzan Atia, Tchernichovsky High School Netanya, Israel.

oes the solar rotation cause changes in Earth environment's condition oes the solar rotation cause changes in Earth environment's condition (with period of 27 days)

he sun & sunspots he sun & sunspots arth & Earth’s magnetic field arth & Earth’s magnetic field General information Data process unspots & unspots & solar rotation olar-terrestrial connections olar-terrestrial connections nfluence of nfluence of solar rotation ndexes of activity ndexes of activity uture work uture work onclusion

The Sun is the star at the centre of our Solar system. The Earth and many other bodies are surrounding the Sun. It's heat and light support almost all life on Earth. It is thought that the Sun is about 5 billion years old. The Sun is a ball of plasma, which contains: Hydrogen 74% Helium 25% Heavier elements 1% A sunspot is a region on the Sun's surface that is marked by a lower temperature than its surroundings, and intense magnetic activity. Although they are blindingly bright, the contrast with the surrounding material leaves them clearly visible as dark spots.

Earth is the third-closest planet to the Sun. It is the largest of the solar system's terrestrial planets, and the only planetary body that modern science confirms as harboring life. The planet was formed around 4.57 billion years ago. Earth's magnetic field is approximately a magnetic dipole, with one pole near the geographic north pole and the other near the geographic south pole. An imaginary line joining the magnetic poles would be inclined by approximately 11.3° from the planet's axis of rotation. The magnetic field extends several tens of thousands of kilometers into space. Spin axis

From first Galileo observations of the sunspots, he used their movement with time for discovery of solar rotation. Examples of solar rotation from Sky-Watch data base

(1)(2) (3)(4) (1) Sunspot activity >> (2) Corona heating, flares >> (3) Solar wind >> (4) Magnetic storms of Magnetosphere & modulation of galactic cosmic rays >> Ionosphere (radio connection, aurora).

Solar rotation periodically shift sunspot into geo-effective zone on the Sun’s longitude and disturb Earth’s environment

A group of spots will mask modulation of the Earth environment from each individual sourceA group of spots will mask modulation of the Earth environment from each individual source Life time of the sunspots is about 1-2 months, that limits the number of cycles by 1or 2!Life time of the sunspots is about 1-2 months, that limits the number of cycles by 1or 2! To test individual sunspot on the Sun during a minimum of solar activity (with minimum of sunspots). For example, last minimum To test individual sunspot on the Sun during a minimum of solar activity (with minimum of sunspots). For example, last minimum To look for “echo” – effect with dominant time interval between responses is about 27 day.To look for “echo” – effect with dominant time interval between responses is about 27 day.

Source of data: program, Blossom of Science, Israel Source of data: “AstroTop” program, Blossom of Science, Israel “AstroTop” Kp-index : 3-hourly logarithmic local index of geomagnetic activity relative to an assumed “quiet-day” curve for the recording site. Range is from 0 to 9. Cosmic Ray particles - An extremely energetic charged particles arrive to Earth through resistance of solar wind from Galaxy. Main source – Supernova explosions.

Time Intervals between disturbances of magnetic field (bursts Kp) in many cases are about 27 days – solar rotation period – manifestation of the 27-d “echo” effect

Cosmic Rays arrive to Earth by diffusion through solar wind. Modulation of solar wind by 27-d solar rotation must lead to 27-d cosmic ray variation. Cosmic ray data during solar minimum from Russia and Finland show that the effect is real.

Effect of 27-day modulation of the Earth environment is real, but weak and needs special conditions for its detecting.

To organize special observation of sunspot’s position with the robotic telescope of Sky-Watch, during the next minimum of sunspots number ( ), The aim: Direct test in real time of connection between sunspot rotation and Earth’s environment modulation.