QURANIC GRAMMAR AS-SARF “Morphology of the words” Lesson 15 Lessons from the book MABADE” ALA’RABIYAH – basics of Arabic Grammar RASHEED SHARTOONI Compiled by: Sheikh Safdar Razi Ali
Suffixing Yaa of Relation Is a form that indicates a relationship between two things. For example: لبنانيٌّ (a man from Lebanon). The noun is placed in the single masculine form + the last letter is given a kasrah+ suffixed with relating yā. For example: ناصرة (female helper) becomes ناصر (male helper) which becomes ناصريٌّ (from a helper). The general ruling is that the feminine tā’ and the signs of the dual and plural forms should be erased from the word and the letter that comes before the relating YAA is always given a kasrah, for example: عراقين becomes. عراقيّ If the word is a broken plural the relating YAA can be added to it or its singular form. For example: ملائکة (angels) becomes ملائکيٌّ or ملکيٌّ ملاکيٌّ (of the angels).
Suffixing Yaa of Relation-Stretched Alif If the Hamza was original it stays and Yaa of Relation is added: –انشائي انشاء, ابتدائي ابتداء If the Hamza was converted from wow or yaa then there have two options – It remains سمائي سماء – Or It is converted to wow سماوي سماء If the Hamza was added for feminine then convert it to wow –صحراوي صحراء, خضراوي خضراء, بيضاوي بيضاء
Rules of noun ending with ALIF or YAA If the noun ends in an alif then there are three cases: 1.First, if the alif is the third letter it is changed into a wāw, for example: فتیَ becomes فَتَويّ. ربوي ربا 2.Second, if it is the fourth letter and the second letter of the word does not have a vowel sign (SUKOON) it is changed into a wāw, for example: معنیَ becomes. مَعنَوِيّ, ُنيوَي or دُنياَوِي 3.Third, the alif is erased if it is the fifth letter or greater, for example: خُزَامیَ becomes., خُزاميّ,. مصطفیَ becomes مصطفيٌّ (from Mustafa). If the noun ends with a yā’ then the yā’ is changed into a wāw and the letter before it is given a fathah, for example: الشجيّ becomes الشَجَويّ. The exception is if the yā’ comes after a sound letter with a SUKOON, in this case it is not changed, for example: ظَبي (BAA has a SUKOON ZABYON) becomes. ظَبييّ (ZABIYON)
Rules of noun ending with double YAA (SHADDAH) If the noun ends with a doubled yā ’ then there are three cases: 1.First, if it is after one letter, the second yā’ is changed into a wāw and the first is given its original form with a fathah, for example: حيّ becomes حَيَويّ 2.Second, if it is after two letters, the first yā’ is erased and the second is changed into a wāw and the letter before it is given a fathah, for example: نَبيّ becomes نَبَوِيّ. 3.Third, if it is after three or more letters the word remains the same, for example: کرسي becomes. کرسيٌ
Other rules If the noun is in the form فعيلة (FA’EELAH) then the YAA and the TAA are erased and the letter before the erased YAA a fathah, for example: مدينة becomes مَدَنيّ. The exception to this rule is if the second (AYN) root letter is weak (vowel) or doubled, in this case the yā’ is not erased, for example: طَوِيلة becomes. طَويليّ If the noun was two letter but originally trilateral whose third letter was erased then the erased letter returns in the relative form, for example: أب becomes أبَويّ. If a feminine tā’ replaces the erased letter, it will be erased and the original letter will be brought back, for example: سنة becomes. سنويّ (annual)
Examples: The following words are exceptions to this rule: A. مدينة becomes مدنيٌّ (a man from Medina) B. قرية (village) becomes قَرَويٌّ (a man from a village) C. حيّ (living) becomes حَيَويٌّ (a man from the living) D. يد (hand) becomes يَدَويٌّ (hand-made) E. أب (father) becomes أبَويٌّ (fatherly) F. ابن (son) becomes بَنَويٌّ (sonly) G. أخ (brother) becomes أخَويٌّ (brotherly) H. سنة (year) becomes سَنَويٌّ (yearly) I. لُغة (language) becomes لُغَويٌّ (literal) J. دَم (blood) becomes دَمويٌّ (of blood)
Suffixing with Yaa of Relation – Relating the Plural The Plural cannot be related. If you need to make it plural then it must be re-rooted to its single form. –كاظي كاظمين –مسلمي مسلمون If the noun was plural in its nature originally then it can be related –وزيري وزراء However the linguist organized and approved certain cases of plural due to the necessity of them. These must be memorized: –طلابي طلاب –جزائري جزائر
Relation with NOON + YAA– Odd Cases These odd cases are here because the Arabs used it, observing the preventing NOON (ALWEQAAYAH) –رباني رب –روحاني روح –تحتاني تحت –فوقاني فوق
23-Minimizing Tasgeer or minimizing occurs on a derivable (Mo’rub) noun. The purpose is to indicate Size (Smallness) Insult or Humiliate Closeness of time or place pamper The form is the following: Fuayl فُعَيل (3 Lettered) Fuayil فُعَيعِل (4 Lettered) Fuayeel فعيعيل (5 Lettered)
THE DIMINUTIVE PATTERN The diminutive pattern is a form which indicates smallness, degradation or love. For example: وَلَد (boy) becomes وُلَيد (small boy) The rules of the diminutive pattern are: A. The first letter of the word must be given a dummah B. The second letter must be given a fathah and if it is a weak letter it is put in it original form and then given a fathah then the diminutive yā’ is added after the second letter without any vowel sign C. The third letter is given a kasrah except in some cases where it is given a fathah, such as following cases: if it is followed by a tā’ or an alif. For example: زُهرَة (flower) becomes زُهَيرَة (small flower). If the word has four letters or more the letter after the yā’ is given a kasrah, for example: دِرهَم becomes دُرَيهِم, unless it is connected to a feminine tā’, for example: مهرة becomes مُهَيرَة or if it is a proper noun or an adjective that ends in an added alif and nūn, for example: سَلمان becomes. سُلَيمان
Second letter weak (vowel) If the second letter of the word is weak and was changed then it will be changed back to its original form For example: باب becomes. بُوَيب If the weak letter is an alif or a wāw it will be changed into a doubled yā’ in the diminutive form For example: عَصا becomes عُصَيٌّ. If it is a yā’ it is doubled in the diminutive form For example: جميل becomes. جُمَيِّل
Minimizing – Four Lettered If a word whose fourth letter is a wāw or alif is put into the diminutive form they will be changed into a yā’ The standard form is Fuayye’l فعيعل for Four lettered مُصينِع <- مَصنَع Factory Small Factory مُسيَطِرة <- مسطر Foot Ruler Small Foot Ruler أُرَيبِعاء <- آربعاء Wednesday Small Wednesday زُعيفرِان <- زغفرَان - saffron small saffron The standard form for 5 Lettered is Fuayee’l فعيعيل عُصَيفِير عصفور (Bird Small Bird)
Minimizing– Tri Lettered Tri-lettered – Change to Fuayl form حُسين حَسَنَ A female which does not have a feminine sign then add circle ta at the end هُنيدة هِند If it was broken plural and the noun was on the scale of Afa’aal: It will be scaled on the form of اٌفيعال آصيحاب آصحاب