NO END IN SIGHT. Iraqi Deaths in Iraq There have been far more deaths of Iraqi civilians than of the soldiers themselves. In the year 2003 alone, there.


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Presentation transcript:


Iraqi Deaths in Iraq There have been far more deaths of Iraqi civilians than of the soldiers themselves. In the year 2003 alone, there have been almost 2500 civilian deaths. In 2009, there have been close to 500 civilian deaths. Since the year 2003 to 2009, there has been a total of 102,451 civilian deaths.

American Deaths in Iraq In the year 2003, the number of American deaths in Iraq was about 486 soldiers. Over the next two years, the numbers went from 486 deaths to a startling 849 casualties. In 2009, about 141 soldiers have died. In total, from the years 2003 to 2009, 4,362 American soldiers have been killed, and these numbers aren’t including the soldiers from the United Kingdom who have been killed.

War Costs on American Economy Up to 2009, about $915.1 billion dollars have been allocated to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Each year, the money going into the war increases by at least 2 billion dollars. For the year 2010, the government wants to put in another $130 billion ( has yet to be decided)

My thoughts about the movie I was angry to learn that even though our country puts so much money into the war, U.S. soldiers aren’t really helping the issue of riots, shootings, ect. I was shocked to learn that the reason behind the chaos of the disbanding of the Iraqi military was because of our country.

No Provisional Iraqi government The chairman of the Iraqi opposition National Congress, Ahmad al- Jalabi stated that the Iraqi military forces are taking part in the Liberation of Iraq and defeating the Baath party. Ahmad al- Jalabi is trying to establish a democartic government, noting the non- intervention of the American military.

Disbanding the Iraqi Military The Iraqi military was disbanded in May 2003, by the Bush administration. This caused about 250,000 men to be unemployed, and the unemployment destroyed the economy This caused fighting and riots throughout Baghdad, Iraq.

deBa’athification of Iraqi culture, government and economy -The deBa’athification of Iraq culture had many conflicts. Thousands of predominately Sunni Arab Baathists were fired from government and military jobs -This caused massive riots, similar to when the military was disbanded.

Bibliography 1 st slide picture: 03.jpg 03.jpg American and Iraq death statistics: - Deba’athification of Iraqi government: tml Disbanding of Iraqi Military: