American Literature A- Unit One Historical Narrative “Of Plymouth Plantation” By: William Bradford
“Of Plymouth Plantation” William Bradford Thematic Link The daring exploration of what is now North America by English Puritans is motivated by a wish for religious freedom. The Pilgrims’ earliest encounters with Native Americans and with a harsh, unfamiliar land are difficult and frightening. Focusing your Reading: Literary Analysis: Primary Sources Active Reading: Summarizing
Reading and Analyzing England 1500’s-1600’s Main Reason: Religious Freedom Conflict: Puritans wanted to withdraw from the Church of England Separatists known as Pilgrims today fled from England to Holland and eventually migrated to America. 1620 sailed across Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower.
Reading and Analyzing What factual information does William Bradford present about the voyage? The Pilgrims crossed the ocean from England and landed in a safe port on Cape Cod. What descriptions show Bradford’s personal opinion or point of view? Describes Native Americans’ as “savage barbarians,” the weather as “sharp and violent,” and the wilderness as “hideous and desolate.” Describes the ocean as separating Pilgrims from all “civil” parts of the world.
Reading and Analyzing How does Bradford interpret the Pilgrims’ discovery of Native American’s corn and beans? What does this tell you about his beliefs? God led them to find the food in order to prevent them from starving. Bradford believes that God plays an active part in the Pilgrims’ daily lives. This belief creates intimacy, trust, and love between the Pilgrims’ and God.
Literary Analysis How does the Pilgrims’ relationship with the Native Americans’ changed? Samoset-English speaking Native American that brings information to the Pilgrims’ along with other Native Americans’. Peaceful relations Peace agreement with Massasoit Squanto-helped them plant food, fish, and served as interpreter for them.
Connect to the Literature and Comprehension Check Impression of the Pilgrims’ after reading these excerpts? The Pilgrims were brave people so committed to their religious beliefs that even harsh weather, danger, and starvation could not make then unfaithful. How did the Pilgrims view the landscape of Cape Cod when they first arrived? Desolate wilderness full of dense, dark woods and thickets.
Connect to the Literature and Comprehension Check What kind of weather did the Pilgrims’ face after they landed? Severe winter weather; constant wind was wet and bitterly cold. How did the Native Americans help the Pilgrims’ survive? Showed the Pilgrims’ how to plant corn, where to fish, and generally how to use the natural resources.
Think Critically Questions On the basis of these excerpts, what conclusions can you draw about the Pilgrims’ way of looking at the world? Attitude toward Nature: Fear Attitude toward God: God observed everything they did and either punished or rewarded them for their deeds. Attitude toward Native Americans’-Afraid, but eventually appreciated their knowledge and willingness to help. Do you thin the treaty between the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims’ was fair? Why or why not? Had been in effect for 24 years as of the writing of the selection; seems to indicate both parties found it reasonable Peace-Could not attack each other More protection for the Pilgrims’ than the Wampanoags'. Not all of the clauses were reciprocal; indicating unfairness (right to bear arms)
Think Critically Does the selection support Bradford’s claim that the Native Americans were savage barbarians? The Native Americans’ manner of dress Stories that Bradford may have heard about their behavior. Attack described in the “First Encounter” Yet, the defense of one’s territory is not usually considered barbaric.
Think Critically Overall, Bradford’s account does not adequately support the “savage barbarian” claim. How so? He doesn’t appear to actually have witnessed one instance of savage behavior on the part of the Native Americans’ His point of view is clearly biased. Ex. When the Native Americans’ took tools that they later returned, he called this “stealing.” yet he found no fault with the Pilgrims’ who took corn and beans without permission because they paid for them six months later. Samoset approached the colonists and offered, in English, considerable information and assistance. Massasoit agreed to, and then adhered to, a peace compact Squanto lived with the Pilgrims’ until his death, acting as interpreter, guide, and teacher. The Pilgrims considered him and instrument of God.
Writing Option-pg. 89 Writing Submit to Hard copy of essay due in class Writing: Inquiry and Research-pg. 89 Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12 with a header in the right hand corner of first page single-spaced with Name, Due Date, Hour, OPP Writing MLA Cite Using EasyBib; will be citing the Textbook and page numbers from the textbook. Along with other research sources such as “Women and Children First: The Mayflower Pilgrims” on pg. 102. Please select only valid sources-Go to EasyBib and on the right of the home page are the Seaholm Media Center databases. Use these sources for your research. In-text citation example: In the primary source, Bradford states, “…after long beating at sea they fell with that land which is called Cape Cod” (pg. 82). Works Cited Page: Create an essay labeled “Of Plymouth Plantation” Essay in your EasyBib account, Click on Book tab; then type in the textbook name; Click on AutoCite or can do a Manual Entry too. Keep in mind “Of Plymouth Plantation” is in quotation marks.