Registered England No: Registered Charity Number:
PGS – What is it?: Giving by Direct Debit Common Sense Straight Forward Up to date Useful Tool Modern
How PGS Work:
Monthly Payment: month
Benefits PGS Can Bring? Reduces Workload Efficient Aids Succession Planning Improved Cash Flow Potential For Anonymity Inflationary Increase
Unique benefit: Donors Can Remain Anonymous at Parish Level Some people previously declined regular giving
Clear Gift Form
Unique benefit: Giving to rise in line with inflation annually A Good Response to the Challenge of Static Giving
How the PGS can help: 2001 = £60 + £16.80 Gift Aid = £76.80 Gift increases in line with Retail Price Index (RPI) 2014 = £ £20.40 Gift Aid = £ tax efficient gift a month Extra £ a year
Static Giving v Inflationary Increase Jan 2000Jan 2005Jan 2010Jan
Clear Gift Form
Potential Impact: Level of giving
How the PGS can help: How we give is linked to how much we give. National Statistics Portsmouth Average Weekly Giving (ex GA) through PGS £15.85£16.44 Average Weekly Giving (ex GA) via other methods £11.10£9.50
Portsmouth Experience- Project Leader Views: “ I found the whole process easy & professional” Churchwarden Brighstone “PGS is a simple & easy to use system which has been welcomed & embraced by those who have tried it” - Anonymous Project Leader “It saves time for both the Treasurer and the Gift Aid Coordinator & encourages donors to assess their giving annually” – Treasurer Gurnard
Portsmouth Experience- Donor Views: “It is less of an administrative burden on the parish and is more secure than standing orders…” Pre-Launch Donor “I thin the scheme is current flexible and transparent. I am pleased to be part of a forward thinking scheme which will benefit my own parish and encourage inflation-proofed giving” Julie, Pre-Launch Donor
Portsmouth Experience- Donor Views: “PGS is a very good idea and it is easy to use. It makes donating much easier and gives the parish a regular donation” John – Portsmouth Pre-Launch Donor “The Scheme is very impressive” Anonymous Portsmouth Pre-Launch Donor
The People of PGS
The Trustees John Preston Ben Preece Smith Helen Richardson Gordon Randall John Sherlock Neil Williams Helen Taylor Victoria James
Resources: For PCC and Church Officers: Implementation Handbook Parish Action Checklist Stewardship Programme Summary Parish Registration Form Resources Order Form For Donors: Donor Gift Form Pre-printed labels Donor Booklet Giving Tokens PGS Explained Leaflet
Stewardship Resources TRIO GIVING FOR LIFE
Implementing PGS: PCC pass a resolution to join Plan Stewardship Programme Register your parish for PGS Decide whether you will launch parish wide straight away with stewardship programme or have PCC lead by example first then parish wide
Once Registered The What: You will receive resources from Stewardship Adviser PGS will confirm registration details; First donors can start registering to give through PGS Month turn around from receipt of donor forms Donors send forms themselves Donor Gifts start to flow through the system 10 th work day of month payment into parish bank account
Moving Forward: Continue to seek to move existing planned givers over Offer it as the only method of planned givers to new donors Promote it as part of annual renewal programmes Continue period stewardship programmes
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