Anti-Bullying and Anti-Cyberbullying Legislation Friday, March 18, 2011 Panel Discussion Nicole Cardarelli Peggy Farrell Mary Weiler
AFSP Public Policy Statement The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) supports legislation, regulations and voluntary programs that aim to reduce bullying and cyberbullying.
Bullying and Suicide Elevated rates of depression, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts have been found in youth who are bullied and also in those who bully others. Although highly stressful life events such as bullying can trigger suicidal behavior, there are no empirical studies to date that conclusively find bullying as a cause of suicide.
Bullying and Suicide The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) illustrates the “Victimization-Suicidality Pathway”: Pre-existing vulnerability Victimization Depression, Decreased self-esteem, Decreased self-worth, Feelings of Entrapment, Loneliness, Withdrawal, Anxiety, Insomnia, Hopelessness… (New symptoms and/or exacerbations or previous symptoms) Suicidal Ideation Suicide Attempt Death by Suicide Invites Results in Which are risk factors for
Bullying and Suicide It is important to remember: Bullying does not cause suicide, but it may put youth who are already vulnerable at an increased risk for self-harm.
Federal Response Anti-Bullying Summit: August 11-12, 2010 President films video for “It Gets Better” campaign: October 2010 Dear Colleague Letter: October 26, 2010 Technical Assistance Memo on State Bullying Policies White House Conference on Bullying: March 10, 2011 Website:
State Anti-Bullying Laws All but 5 states now have some form of anti-bullying law (state statute) 32 states include cyberbullying/electronic harassment within their definition of prohibited behavior Content of laws is extremely diverse: Anti- Bullying Report Card is provided to help navigate each law’s content
State Anti-Bullying Laws Most state statutes: Apply to all grade levels (1 does not) Include a definition of bullying (6 do not) Include locations where bullying is prohibited (9 do not) Require school boards to adopt anti-bullying policies Require policies be publicized to students, parents/guardians, and school staff (4 do not) Require or encourage educational or training programs for school staff and/or students (7 do not)
State Anti-Bullying Laws Most state statutes do not: Include enumerated characteristics (11 do) Require school boards to review their policies at least biennially (9 do) Include provisions for school mental health or counseling services or referrals (9 do) Include provisions for a specific task force, committee, or other independent body to study bullying (8 do) Make certain funds contingent upon compliance with the anti-bullying law (10 do)
Anti-Bullying Law Working with Legislators Draft Legislation North Dakota Legislature 2011
Small Community Experiences Loss Bullying suspected as one reason for Cooperstown girl’s suicide Media, Community & Family Response
Reaching Out Reaching out to the Media Reaching out to the School Reaching out to the Family
ND Anti-Bullying Law Working with Community Working with Parent Groups Working with Legislators
Anti-Bullying Bills Attorney General’s Office House Bill – HB 1465 Senate Bill – SB 2167
Anti-Bullying Bills House Committee Hearing Do Pass Senate Education Committee Do Pass
Anti-Bullying Bills Awaits House Education Committee Hearing – March 2011 Conference Committee - final language – March 2011
Anti-Bullying Law in New Jersey
New NJ Anti-Bullying Law Appears to be most one of (if not the) most comprehensive in the country Signed into law on 1/5/2011 Revises and supplements the state’s previous law on harassment, intimidation and bullying in schools Contains a number of recommendations made by the New Jersey Commission on Bullying in Schools.
Anti-Bullying in New Jersey Schools Current activities being done within schools to combat bullying School response to new law
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