Programs in Alternative Vehicular Transportation Systems at MTU David R. Shonnard Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI Presentation to US-Brazil Teleconference June 18, 2007
How is Michigan Tech Addressing the Sustainability Challenge? Sustainable Futures Institute: Established – January 2004 Sustainable Futures Institute: Established – January faculty/staff and 30 graduate scholars engaged in research and education 60 faculty/staff and 30 graduate scholars engaged in research and education Sustainable Futures Institute MISSION Create and disseminate new principles, processes, and products that support / promote sustainable development
Center for Sci & Env Outreach SFI External Advisory Board SFI AFFILIATED CENTERS / INITIATIVES School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science School of Business & Econ. College of Sciences & Arts Social Sci. Computer Sci. Biology Chemistry Physics SFI Partners & Graduate Scholars College of Engineering Civ & Env Matl Sci. BioMed Geo & Min Electrical Engr Fund Chemical Mechanical Educational Opportunity Center NSF REU Site SFI Directorate MTU Administration NSF MUSES, W2W NSF IGERT NSF Major Research Infrastructure
Bio-Fuels Research Forest Resources Biotechnology/Genetic engineering Forest policy and management Carbon cycling Carbon cyclingBio-processing Enzyme improvement Pilot plant operations Metabolic engineering Vehicle/Engines Engine research Engine tests w/emissions Hybrid vehicle design Vehicle dynamometer Michigan Tech’s Expertise Assessment/Decisions Technology evaluation Logistics and facilities Life-cycle, environmental, and policy assessments
Bio-Fuels Research Completed Projects: Completed Projects: Caterpillar – Evaluation of Low Greenhouse Gas Bio-Based Energy Technologies” American Process, Inc. (API) – Co-production of pulp and ethanol from wood Ongoing Projects: Ongoing Projects: NSF – Plant Genome Research Project NSF – Biocomplexity - Materials Use: Science Engineering and Society (MUSES) project on lignocellulosic-based ethanol production MTU Research Excellence Program –Peptidomimetic research project NSF – Major Research Instrumentation project on combustion vessel to be integrated into MTU Alternative Fuels Combustion Laboratory GM – Ethanol Flex-Fuel Engine Optimization NSF – Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program (IGERT) project NSF – Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) project UOP LLC – Life Cycle Assessment Comparing Green Diesel to Biodiesel Pending Projects: Pending Projects: MTU – Wood-to-Wheels Graduate Enterprise NSF – Engineering Research Center (ERC) Wood-to-Wheels GM – Forestry Biomass for Co-Production of Biofuels and Biopolymers Project DCX – Multi-cylinder ethanol engine research program
$1.7 million, NSF MUSES: NSF MUSES: Renewable Energy from Forest Resources: An Investigation into the Viability of Large-Scale Production of Sustainable Transportation Fuels from Lignicellulosic Biomass School of Forestry (3), Chemical Engineering (1), Mechanical Engineering (1), Environmental Engineering (1), Social Science (2)
Wood-to-Wheels (W2W) Concept Research Thematic Areas Woody Biomass Resource Research CO 2 Bio-Processing Research Photo: Glacial Lakes Energy Vehicle Systems Research Saturn Hybrid Sustainability Assessments / Decision-Making
W2W Cellulosic Ethanol Research Impacts: Displacement of US Petroleum Consumption Biobased Fuel 30% Biobased Fuel with Bioprocess + ICE Optimization 39% Engines & Vehicles Optimization 1 Billion Tons of Biomass Flex-Fuel Hybrid 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8, US Petroleum Consumption (Millions of Barrels) TotalPersian Gulf Imports BiomassBio+ICE Opt Potential Bio Impact Petroleum 70%
Hydrogen Fuel Cells Research Expertise Expertise Polymers, Composite and Membrane materials Heat transfer and fluid flow applied to fuel cells Hydrogen internal combustion engine Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cells Hybrid Powertrains Activities Activities John Deere – MTU E-Gator team retrofitted a John Deere E- Gator with a hydrogen PEM fuel cell Army Research Labs – the Keweenaw Research Center of Michigan Tech has built a fuel cell powered unmanned ground vehicle MTU – Alternative Fuels Group (AFG) Enterprise NSF Grant Opportunities for Liaison with Industry (GOALI) project – recyclable polymer with multiple carbon fillers for lightweight fuel cell bipolar plates. MTU - Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine (H2ICE) team
Questions? Midwestern land cover (USFS North Central Research Station image)