Programs in Alternative Vehicular Transportation Systems at MTU David R. Shonnard Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological University,


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Presentation transcript:

Programs in Alternative Vehicular Transportation Systems at MTU David R. Shonnard Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI Presentation to US-Brazil Teleconference June 18, 2007

How is Michigan Tech Addressing the Sustainability Challenge? Sustainable Futures Institute: Established – January 2004 Sustainable Futures Institute: Established – January faculty/staff and 30 graduate scholars engaged in research and education 60 faculty/staff and 30 graduate scholars engaged in research and education Sustainable Futures Institute MISSION Create and disseminate new principles, processes, and products that support / promote sustainable development

Center for Sci & Env Outreach SFI External Advisory Board SFI AFFILIATED CENTERS / INITIATIVES School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science School of Business & Econ. College of Sciences & Arts Social Sci. Computer Sci. Biology Chemistry Physics SFI Partners & Graduate Scholars College of Engineering Civ & Env Matl Sci. BioMed Geo & Min Electrical Engr Fund Chemical Mechanical Educational Opportunity Center NSF REU Site SFI Directorate MTU Administration NSF MUSES, W2W NSF IGERT NSF Major Research Infrastructure

Bio-Fuels Research Forest Resources Biotechnology/Genetic engineering Forest policy and management Carbon cycling Carbon cyclingBio-processing Enzyme improvement Pilot plant operations Metabolic engineering Vehicle/Engines Engine research Engine tests w/emissions Hybrid vehicle design Vehicle dynamometer Michigan Tech’s Expertise Assessment/Decisions Technology evaluation Logistics and facilities Life-cycle, environmental, and policy assessments

Bio-Fuels Research Completed Projects: Completed Projects:  Caterpillar – Evaluation of Low Greenhouse Gas Bio-Based Energy Technologies”  American Process, Inc. (API) – Co-production of pulp and ethanol from wood Ongoing Projects: Ongoing Projects:  NSF – Plant Genome Research Project  NSF – Biocomplexity - Materials Use: Science Engineering and Society (MUSES) project on lignocellulosic-based ethanol production  MTU Research Excellence Program –Peptidomimetic research project  NSF – Major Research Instrumentation project on combustion vessel to be integrated into MTU Alternative Fuels Combustion Laboratory  GM – Ethanol Flex-Fuel Engine Optimization  NSF – Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program (IGERT) project  NSF – Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) project  UOP LLC – Life Cycle Assessment Comparing Green Diesel to Biodiesel Pending Projects: Pending Projects:  MTU – Wood-to-Wheels Graduate Enterprise  NSF – Engineering Research Center (ERC) Wood-to-Wheels  GM – Forestry Biomass for Co-Production of Biofuels and Biopolymers Project  DCX – Multi-cylinder ethanol engine research program

$1.7 million, NSF MUSES: NSF MUSES: Renewable Energy from Forest Resources: An Investigation into the Viability of Large-Scale Production of Sustainable Transportation Fuels from Lignicellulosic Biomass School of Forestry (3), Chemical Engineering (1), Mechanical Engineering (1), Environmental Engineering (1), Social Science (2)

Wood-to-Wheels (W2W) Concept Research Thematic Areas Woody Biomass Resource Research CO 2 Bio-Processing Research Photo: Glacial Lakes Energy Vehicle Systems Research Saturn Hybrid Sustainability Assessments / Decision-Making

W2W Cellulosic Ethanol Research Impacts: Displacement of US Petroleum Consumption Biobased Fuel 30% Biobased Fuel with Bioprocess + ICE Optimization 39% Engines & Vehicles Optimization 1 Billion Tons of Biomass Flex-Fuel Hybrid 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8, US Petroleum Consumption (Millions of Barrels) TotalPersian Gulf Imports BiomassBio+ICE Opt Potential Bio Impact Petroleum 70%

Hydrogen Fuel Cells Research Expertise Expertise  Polymers, Composite and Membrane materials  Heat transfer and fluid flow applied to fuel cells  Hydrogen internal combustion engine  Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cells  Hybrid Powertrains Activities Activities  John Deere – MTU E-Gator team retrofitted a John Deere E- Gator with a hydrogen PEM fuel cell  Army Research Labs – the Keweenaw Research Center of Michigan Tech has built a fuel cell powered unmanned ground vehicle  MTU – Alternative Fuels Group (AFG) Enterprise  NSF Grant Opportunities for Liaison with Industry (GOALI) project – recyclable polymer with multiple carbon fillers for lightweight fuel cell bipolar plates.  MTU - Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine (H2ICE) team

Questions? Midwestern land cover (USFS North Central Research Station image)