Using international networks
Who is Rehabilitation International – RI?
WHAT MAKES RI’s EXPERTISE SO UNIQUE? RI is a multi – stakeholder, inter- disciplinary and cross- continent organization Which, for 90 years, has advocated for the right of participation of disabled people in the society Focusing on Habilitation and Rehabilitation. Relative to Art. 26 UN CRPD
SOME OF OUR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS… We created the original symbol of access in 1969 We helped establish that there were 680 million PWDs in the early 1990s based from an RI survey
. Its National Member Organizations (NMO) consist of individuals and representatives from: - DPOs - Health care and disability professionals - Service providers - Researchers and social security institutions.. This unique expertise covered by RI members are completed by RI STANDING COMMISSIONS where guidelines and products are consented together with partners on international and regional level like :. RI maintains official relations with the United Nations (UN) as well as regional bodies, service providers and universities. WHAT MAKES RI’S EXPERTISE SO UNIQUE?.
DPA and RI DPA is the national member of RI Significant role within the Asia Pacific region Important player internationally – Executive – 1996 Congress
International links and connections- Why?
Changed environment UN Convention provided a pathway forward Provides a new context as both a rights instrument and a development tool Involvement of disabled people and their organisations in policy and service development Twin track approach – Mainstreaming disability – Specialised services International co-operation – Article 32
Implementing the changes In implementing the UN CRPD for states and with civil society in countries where there is willingness to realize partnerships with international and regional organizations Advocacy Capacity building Share expertise Relative to Art. 32 of the UN CRPD.
Partnerships Two way process Collaboration Information sharing and examples of best practice Technology Leadership role – Role within Asia Pacific region
Advantages Speeds up the implementation process Part of a wider discussion Assists in capacity building Broader based arguments to support arguments within NZ
Examples Playground in Israel – Moving from the particular – Involving decision makers – Vehicle for social change Discussion around Article 12 Community Based Rehabilitation – Developed countries learning from developing countries – Move from the medical model and still gain the benefit of rehabilitation
Examples India – Rights – Self employment INWWD network UN Publications – CBR Guidelines – ILO- “Achieving Equal Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities through Legislation Guidelines – World Report
"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.“ Robert Kennedy