A. What does Baptism Celebrate? 1. the Baptized in reborn as a child of God. 2. the grace is given to live the very life of God. 3. the baptized is incorporated into the mystical Body of Christ (St. Paul used this term to describe the efficaciousness of the sacrament)
4. the baptized is offered the fullness of the means of salvation from sin. 5. the idea of sin as an offence against God simply put is a lack of love. Love for God, self and others. 6. the baptized shares in the life of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 7. the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, are Beginnings to a life of transformation and growth as members of the Church ( the ecclesia Gk.), the Body of Christ.
8. the reception of the above sacraments gives the receiver a new identity a mission: to live as followers of Christ. 9.the term original sin, developed by St. Augustine, to explain the human tendency to choose those things that lead away from God vs. toward a relationship with God. 10.Baptism offers the abundance of God’s grace to overcome the tendency to move away from God rather than toward. 11.The concept of Baptism, necessary for salvation p.135 this will be discussed.
B. Baptisms Symbolic Actions and Words 1. the essential rite: the pouring of water of the person’ head (or immersion) While reciting the Trinitarian formula: “I baptize you (their name ) in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” *emergencies. 2. the anointing of oil (chrism) on the breast or both hands is asking God for strength. This is done before the water ritual. 3. Anointing of the new Christian on the crown of the head, after the water ritual, signifies being chosen as Christ was chosen, to share in the risen life and receive the Spirit through him.
4. the white garment: symbolizes radical newness in Christ, clothed in Christ. The person has become a new creation. 5. the lighted candle: the flame of this candle is taken from the Easter (Paschal) candle. Christ is the light of the world, as this new Christian is called to be by grace. 6. the usual minister of Baptism: an ordained minister. However * NOTE: Baptism by desire THE INTENTION OF THE HEART
C. History of Baptism 1. the catechumen: a person wishing to be baptized, an adult. A Christian would then sponsor them through a period of instruction, in the faith. The reception into the Church would occur at the Easter Vigil. 2. RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Four Stages. pg st stage- inquiry 2 nd stage- catechuminate ( catachuman) 3 rd stage- Illumination - sacraments of initiation 4 th stage- mystagogia - unfolding of the mysteries Notes:
3. The Four Stages of the RCIA program a. Inquiry b. Catechumenate: accompanied by a sponsor, the candidate studies for 1-3 yrs., in general. Participates in the life of the Christian community. c. the period of enlightenment/illumination. The major event: the new members are baptized and confirmed and receive the Eucharist. d. the period of the Mystagogia: from Easter to Pentecost. New members and their sponsors reflect together to understand the mysteries of faith and being a Christian Read/discuss p. 130 Living these truths
D. Evolution into Three Sacraments: 1. Delayed Anointing: great numbers of converts bishops not able to get around to parishes led to the separation of the two sacraments. 2. Infant Baptism: 200 AD infant baptism began to surface. By 500 AD with rapid growth in the Church of adults, infant baptism became a regular practice. Proceeded by Eucharistic instruction and later the conferring of Confirmation, in the Western Church. 3. In the Eastern Church: the sequence of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist is offered to initiates.
E. Since Vatican II ( ) called by Pope John XXIII 1. Infant baptisms dominate through most of Christian history, the Parents/godparents responded in the name of the infant. The entire community is called to support the parents in the unfolding faith of the child. 2. Read together p. 150 A young woman’s experience.
Possible Extra Credit assignments: Grade will fall in either of two groups, either test graded or project graded. 1. Write about your own baptism: place (who administered the sacrament?), what you wore (some baptismal outfits are passed down in a family), who attended, get the thoughts of the adults who attended. Pictures 2. Research the Christian Initiation Rites as celebrated in other countries. 3. Choose One: p.138 G; p.138 J; p.152 L; p.148 J; Make a poster p.130 of “The Old Life of Sin ……The New Life of Christ” Due before Easter break.