Helen M Lynch Senior E-learning Consultant Mini Course Designs for Mobile Devices
Mobile device use ubiquitous and still increasing… Australian Communications and Medial Authority’s Communications Report suggests: 1.Mobile services (V/D) at million subscribers – up 13% 2.Mobile wireless broadband services at 4.79 million – up 39% 3.Total volume of data downloaded (fixed line and wireless broadband) at 274,202 TB – up 76% 4.Volume of data downloaded via mobile handset internet up 415%
What mobile devices are out there? Mobile phone – smart or otherwise Pager PDA’s and EDA’s – although merging with smart phone technologies now incorporating barcode/QR code readers RFID and smart card readers Tablet computer Some others: personal navigation device, handheld game console, smart pens, digital video/still camera
Paths to mobile learning WEBAPP Cellular (telephony)
Teaching and learning with mobile devices: What are the experts saying? General principles Herrington, A., Herrington, J. & Mantei, J. (2009). Design principles for mobile learning. In J. Herrington, A. Herrington, J. Mantei, I. Olney, & B. Ferry (Eds.), New technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile learning in higher education (pp ). Wollongong: University of Wollongong. Retrieved from 1. Real world relevance: Use mobile learning in authentic contexts 2. Mobile contexts: Use mobile learning in contexts where learners are mobile 3. Explore: Provide time for exploration of mobile technologies 4. Blended: Blend mobile and non mobile technologies 5. Whenever: Use mobile learning spontaneously 6. Wherever: Use mobile learning in non traditional learning spaces 7. Whomsoever: Use mobile learning both individually and collaboratively 8. Affordances: Exploit the affordances of mobile technologies 9. Personalise: Employ the learners’ own mobile devices 10. Mediation: Use mobile learning to mediate knowledge construction. 11. Produce: Use mobile learning to produce and consume knowledge.
Challenges Opportunities
Challenges Opportunities Device variability – but learners want to use their own devices Download speed and internet access Small screen size – resolution, colour contrast Awkward text input Limited memory Relatively inexpensive – less costly than a computer? – beat the mobile/digital divide Multimedia content delivery and creation – sound, text, picture, video downloaded and uploaded – built in speakers and camera – audiowikipedia for cultures with strong oral traditions? Continuous and situated learning support
Instructional design principles 1. Deliver content in simplest possible format 2. Use cloud computing to store/share files – or LMS 3. Package content in small chunks 4. Consider unconventional assignment options 5. Let learners illustrate and animate courses with their own “real world content” 6. Keep to sites that use simpler html and is styled for mobile devices 7. Free apps, open source software – keep the cost down 8. Scaffold and support situated learning methods 9. Use mobile specific assistive technologies 10. Encourage multiple methods of communication 11. Group learners according to technology access and preferences 12. Push regular reminders, quizzes and questions/pull learner generated content/
Instructional approaches/strategies Learning designs The nature of the activity that allows students to achieve learning objectives Direct instruction Indirect instruction Experiential learning Independent study Interactive instruction Creating a sequence of types of activities and interactions Based on Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education, 20(2), Collaborative focus: jointly construct knowledge Concept/procedure development ; understand/ consolidate learning of concepts and procedures Problem based learning: solve real world problems Project / case study: create product or artefact – learn by doing Role play emphasis on subrogation – walk in my shoes
Implications for learning design and selection of instructional strategies: TASKS RESOURCES SUPPORTS Based on learning outcomes - Instructional strategy dictates the type of learning task, the character of learning task :problem solving, inquiry, investigate, role play multi media, online –a range to support the background knowledge needed to do the learning tasks Teacher as facilitator, feedback, schedules, exemplars,
Focus on the task and learner supports that are teacher facilitated Make resources available of a type, structure and format that works for mobile devices.
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