National Library of New Zealand Bibliographic Services Workflows
The National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, with the support of New Zealand libraries through the Te Puna Strategic Advisory Committee, has brokered a partnering agreement on behalf of New Zealand Libraries with OCLC Online Computer Library Centre. Under the agreement New Zealand libraries have access to a range of OCLC’s comprehensive bibliographic services and a copy of New Zealand’s flagship bibliographic resource, the National Union Catalogue, has become available on the web through OCLC’s database. Benefits for New Zealand Libraries As part of the agreement each New Zealand library who subscribes to National Library’s electronic services automatically become a Governing Member Library of OCLC, a unique co-operative venture with the following benefits: Use a workflow of your choice Catalogue on OCLC, the National Union Catalogue or both. Have access to a wider range of bibliographic resources The 82 million bibliographic resources on the OCLC WorldCat database are available to New Zealand libraries. Surface your library resources through the web New Zealand libraries are more visible on the web through Google and Yahoo and the holdings surfaced through OCLC’s WorldCat, and the Open WorldCat programme. Be able to incorporate future products and services The agreement is structured to provide libraries with a framework to take up future opportunities. Libraries have the ability to purchase other OCLC services at their discretion and the National Library is committed to a development programme with OCLC. What is included in the Agreement? All New Zealand libraries have use of Connexion Client, OCLC's flagship cataloguing service, Connexion Browser, the web version of Connexion Client and CatExpress, OCLC’s simple web-based copy cataloguing tool. Libraries also have access to FirstSearch - an online service that gives library professionals and end users access to a rich collection of reference databases. FAQ are on the Te Puna Subscriber Services website here: National Library of New Zealand-OCLC Agreement
Your Cataloguing Options New Zealand libraries have the option of cataloguing using OCLC or the National Library of New Zealand. There are five different services libraries can choose from. Libraries may still use their own local system’s client to access either OCLC or the National Bibiliographic Database. Five workflows are illustrated for the the different services libraries can choose from. The workflows describe the situation for the addition of a new holdings record to the National Union Catalogue and the local library catalogue. What can I use?Will this suit my library? Connexion Client Connexion Client is OCLC's flagship cataloguing service. It provides a flexible suite of tools that give users access to over 82 million records on OCLC’s WorldCat database. Suited to large, medium and special libraries with large volumes of international or non-standard material who want to use OCLC as their main bibliographic utility. Connexion Browser Connexion Browser is the web version of OCLC's flagship cataloguing service Connexion Client. Suited to large, medium and special libraries with large volumes of international or non-standard material who want to use OCLC as their main bibliographic utility. Cat Express CatExpress is OCLC’s simple web-based copy cataloguing tool aimed at libraries who want to primarily catalogue popular materials via an easy-to-learn interface. It is perfect for lower volumes and cataloguers with less experience. Suited to any library who wants fast copy cataloguing using OCLC. NUC Cat Client NUC CatClient is the National Library’s flagship cataloguing service. A windows-based suite of tools that provides powerful cataloguing functionality and a search gateway to OCLC. Suited to large, medium and special libraries with who mainly catalogue New Zealand material and who want to use the NBD as their main bibliographic utility. Also suitable for Libraries who want to use the NBD but at the same time search OCLC. WebCat WebCat is the National Library’s web-based copy cataloguing tool aimed at fast and easy copy cataloguing. It is perfect for lower volumes and cataloguers with less experience. Suited to any library who wants fast copy cataloguing using the NUC.
Cataloguing Workflows WORKFLOW FIVE WORKFLOW THREE WORKFLOW TWO WORKFLOW ONE WORKFLOW FOUR I want to use the Te Puna CatClient I want to use Te Puna Webcat WORKFLOW SIX Follow this chart for the workflow for your library.
Other gateways WorldCat NUC Te Puna Cat Client Local Catalogue search gateway Webcat CatExpress Connexion Browser These are the different ways of cataloguing using the NUC These are the different ways of cataloguing using OCLC This green bar will appear in every workflow. It represents a nightly upload of bib records and holdings between OCLC and NLNZ These are New Zealand librarians. All workflows start here. This is a New Zealand library’s Catalogue. All workflows END here. This is the search gateway from the NUC The Workflow Diagram Explained This type of arrow indicates an NUC worflow This type of arrow indicates an OCLC worflow NUC National Library of New Zealand Connexion Client OCLC
Other gateways Library of Congress NUC OCLC W1: Cataloguing on the NUC using Te Puna Webcat WorldCat Local Catalogue A librarian logs onto Webcat to find a bib record Webcat searches the NUC for the bib record If found the librarian adds a holding If not found the librarian can search WorldCat and other catalogues Connexion Client Connexion Browser NBD CatClient Webcat National Library of New Zealand *or receive the bib record through a new holdings report from the NUC the next morning and transfer the bib record to their local catalogue* If found the librarian can add a holding and save record to the NUC If not found the librarian can create a short record on the NUC or choose another workflow search gateway CatExpress
Other gateways Library of Congress NUC OCLC WorldCat Te Puna Cat client Local Catalogue A librarian logs onto the NUC Cat client CatClient searches the NUC for a bib record If found the librarian adds a holding If found the librarian can save the bib record to the NUC and add a holding If not found the librarian can create a bib record on the NUC and add a holding If not found the librarian can search WorldCat and other catalogues WebCat W2: Cataloguing on the NUC using Te Puna Cataloguing Client search gateway Connexion Client Connexion Browser CatExpress National Library of New Zealand and transfer the bib record to their local catalogue* *or receive the bib record through a new holdings report from the NBD the next morning
NUC OCLC W3: Cataloguing on WorldCat using Connexion WorldCat Local Catalogue A librarian logs onto Connexion Client or Browser to find a bib record search gateway NBD Cat Client National Library of New Zealand Connexion Client Connexion Browser WebCat CatExpress Connexion searches WorldCat for the bib record If found the librarian adds a holding If not found the librarian can create a bib record on WorldCat, add a holding and transfer the bib record to their local catalogue Bibliographic & Holding records
NUC W4: Cataloguing on WorldCat using CatExpress WorldCat CatExpress Local Catalogue A librarian logs onto CatExpress to find a bib record search gateway Connexion Client Connexion Browser NBD Cat Client WebCat CatExpress searches WorldCat for the bib record If found the librarian adds a holding and transfer the bib record to their local catalogue If not found the librarian will need to choose another workflow OCLC National Library of New Zealand Bibliographic & Holding records
W5: Cataloguing on a Local Catalogue NUC OCLC WorldCat Connexion Client Connexion Browser CatExpress National Library of New Zealand Local Catalogue WebCat NBD Cat Client A librarian logs onto their local catalogue and searches WorldCat, NUC or other gateway for a bib record If found the librarian adds a record to their local catalogue A holding is transferred to the NUC at a later time If not found the librarian creates a record on the local catalogue
Other gateways W6: Cataloguing using a Vendor WorldCat search gateway Connexion Client Connexion Browser CatExpress Local Catalogue Webcat Te Puna Cat client Vendor A librarian sends an order request the Vendor sources the bib records from the NUC or WorldCat on behalf of the originating Library using one of workflows 1-5 the records are then batch loaded to the library’s local catalogue Library of Congress OCLC National Library of New Zealand NUC
Glossary of Terms WorldCat WorldCat is OCLC’s database of more than 82 million global information resources in all formats-monographs, serials, electronic books and journals, Web-based articles, audio and video recordings, and more-all from the full range of recorded history. National Union Catalogue (NUC) The National Union Catalogue of New Zealand is a collection of the holdings of New Zealand libraries and is accessed through a subscriber service called Te Puna and as a National Library service as the New Zealand Libraries' Catalogue. Transfer Transfer of records relates to the ability for a library to transfer a bibliographic record from either OCLC or the NUC. It does not indicate the method or the time (real or delayed) of delivery, just that the feature is available from the bibliographic utility. Search Gateway Search Gateway is a feature provided by the National Library of New Zealand to provide Te Puna subscribers with seamless access to OCLC’s resources if their search on the NBB has been unsuccessful. Connexion Client & Browser Connexion Client and Browser are OCLC's flagship cataloguing services. They provide a flexible suite of tools that align a library’s bibliographic and authority record activities with WorldCat and the OCLC Authority File. CatExpress CatExpress is OCLC’s simple web-based copy cataloguing tool aimed at libraries who want to primarily catalogue popular materials via an easy-to-learn interface. It is perfect for lower volumes and cataloguers with less experience. Te Puna Cataloguing Client Te Puna Cataloguing Client is the National Library’s flagship cataloguing service. A PC based suite of tools that provides powerful cataloguing functionality from the National Bibliographic Database, with a search gateway through to OCLC resources using Z Te Puna Webcat Te Puna WebCat is the National Library’s web-based copy cataloguing tool aimed at fast and easy copy cataloguing. PromptCat PromptCat is a copy cataloguing vendor service provided by OCLC. Materials can be ordered through participating material partners and arrive with complete MARC records and your holdings set in WorldCat.