V ITAMINS, M INERALS, H ERBS AND S UPPLEMENTS FOR W OMEN AND REPRODUCTION Amy Warrick Kaplan University HW_499_Bachelor’s Capstone in Health and Wellness
C HASTE T REE B ERRY - ALSO KNOWN AS V ITEX AGNUS CASTUS This herb “can help regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle” (Parch, n.d.). A study in the British Medical Journal has shown that taking chaste tree berry “52% found relief from PMS- related irritability, mood changes, and headaches” (Parch, n.d.). By regulating the period this can help women discover when they are fertile (ovulation) to be able to time when the best time to have intercourse would be to fertilize an egg. Chaste tree berry has also been shown to increase milk supply in postpartum women.
C HASTE T REE B ERRY CONTINUED …. Long term side effects from taking chaste tree berry have not be conducted however, the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine says that women who have any kind of hormonal sensitivities such as breast cancer, are pregnant, or on birth control pills should not take this herb. Likewise, it “may affect the dopamine system in the brain, [so] people taking dopamine-related medications, such as certain antipsychotic drugs and Parkinson's disease medications” (NCCAM, 2012) should not take chaste tree berry.
Y ARROW — A HERB OF MANY TALENTS ! Can be used for irregular cycles and uterine cramping. Improves vascular supply to the reductive organs Strengthen uterine walls Can be used to “clear out vaginal and urinary infections” (Sahgal, 2012). Finally, it helps to create a favorable environment for a fertilized egg to implant into the uterine wall.
O THER HERBS THAT ASSIST IN FERTILITY Lady’s Mantle-can also help with irregular periods, fibroids, problems with the cervix, and also help strength the uterine walls for labor. Ginger is well known to be used for an upset stomach. Ginger helps with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and as a symptom of PMS. Ginger can also assist in let- down and milk flow for breastfeeding. Licorice Root ”increases and stimulates fertility thanks to its estrogen-like effect, which counteracts the harmful effects of xenoestrogens we are exposed to every day” (Sahgal, 2012).
P REGNANT ?! C ONGRATULATIONS !! If you haven’t already started taking them during your conception phase, your care provider will explain the importance of prenatal vitamins during your visits. During the first twelve weeks of gestation all the organs in the baby’s body are forming and these vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy development and for the fetus to continue to grow.
40 WEEKS LATER AND NO END IN SIGHT !! (A LWAYS WAIT FOR 40 WEEKS AND DISCUSS ANY CAM REMEDIES TO YOUR PROVIDER BEFORE USING THEM !!) Evening Primrose oil has long been prescribed by midwives as a cervical ripening agent however, not enough information has been gathered to know for sure. Black haw can have a uterine tonic effect, meaning it can agitate the uterus to bring on contractions. Black cohosh can also irritate the uterus but it is contraindicated for anyone who has liver disorders or takes hepatotoxic medications. Blue cohosh can stimulates contractions. Red raspberry leaf (usually tea) can help the body continue the labor process once it has already begun. It is important to remember that “The risks and benefits of these agents are still unknown because the quality of evidence is based on a long tradition of use by a certain population and anecdotal case reports” (Tenore, 2003).
Y OU HAVE A BABY, NOW BREASTFEEDING … All of these herbs promote lactation. However, it is important to keep in mind that you should take to a healthcare provider before taking them to make sure that it is safe to be passed to baby if it is at all. Anything mom ingests baby gets through breast milk. As stated on the previous slide, Chaste tree berry can be used in increase milk supply. The three most common are fenugreek, milk thistle and blessed thistle. Blessed thistle has the added benefit of helping with postpartum depression. Indonesian Torbangun, Goat’s Rue, Alfalfa, Anise, and Fennel Seed can all be used to increase supply, most because it increases mammary tissue to produce more milk. “Turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation in nursing mothers’ breasts so that they can continue to breastfeed for a longer duration” (Sarich, 2013). This could be very useful for mother’s who get mastitis.
M ENOPAUSE Black cohosh can help reduce night sweats and hot flashes. Vitamin D can help balance hormone levels. St. John’s Wort can be used for depression symptoms like mood swings, insomnia, and anxiety but causes many interactions with other medications so do not take this without speaking to your doctor first! Ginseng “may be used to treat menopausal symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, and stress because it’s considered a ‘normalizer’ and an ‘energizer.’” (Cappelloni, 2014).
R EFERENCES Cappelloni, L. (2014, January 1). Alternatives for Treating Menopause. Retrieved November 8, NCCAM. (2012, ). Chasteberry. Retrieved November 8, 2014, from Parch, L. (2012). 9 best herbs for women. Natural Health. Sahgal, P. (2012). Herbs for Infertility: 5 Herbs to Increase Your Fertility. Retrieved November 8, Sarich, C. (2013, January 1). 11 Herbs to Naturally Improve Lactation in Nursing Mothers. Retrieved November 8, Tenore, J. (2003). Methods for cervical ripening and induction of labor. American Family Physician, 67 (10),