DEFINE THE CONCEPT DIRECT TEACHING Direct teaching is where learners are guided to construct new knowledge, make sense with the content, to organise, apply and evaluate what they have learnt. “Talk and chalk” To demonstrate the lecture
R OLE OF THE TEACHER Teacher is in control of the time The teacher organises and controls the teaching and learning situation Focuses on the academic performance Monitors the activities of learning Gives constructive feedback to enhance learning Decides if it is suitable for the new topic Success is determined by the teacher Must facilitate learning on a continuous basis
DIRECT TEACHING EXPECTS OF YOU : Lesson outcomes must be clear ACTIVE VERB Do you understand the concept direct teaching? Does this mean that you must describe the importance of direct teaching? The outcome must be simple: Define the concept direct teaching. The outcome must indicate what is expected of them It is the HOW they learn, the focus is on the activities The teacher lectures and it is expected of learners to listen and remember certain historical events that happened between 1910 and If the same topic is taught by means of guided discovery or group work they will develop the ability to interpret evidence, to reason or to argue. From the last example it is clear that learners higher order thinking skills are developed (see Blooms taxonomy). So if the process is more important than the product, it is necessary to define the outcome in terms of the process
S TUDY THE FOLLOWING EXAMPLE : This is an example of the HIV virus After the lesson learners will be able to: Identify the different parts of the AIDS virus Discuss the impact of AIDS on the economy Identify the number of AIDS victims in Africa
TASK Google how many SA are infected with AIDS in Africa Discuss the impact on the Economy Give feedback (after 2 min)
COGNITIVE CLARITY Indicate what it is that you expect of your learners to learn and to do Present it in a logic way Give explanations that makes sense Focus on specific points Make use of appropriate examples Explain again Explain the meaning of a word Give learners the opportunity to think Answer questions in a satisfactory manner Ask questions to make sure they understand Give sufficient summaries, conclusions main points, mind map
V ARIATION IN YOUR TEACHING : SET THE OUTCOME : L EARNERS MUST BE ABLE TO : I MPLEMENT D IRECT TEACHING TO ENSURE EFFECTIVE LEARNING Learners differ in learning styles To prevent boredom Solve the problem Start your lesson differently Determine prior knowledge Admission to knowledge must differ Questions must vary Make use of examples to illustrate points Stimulate thoughts of the learner Expectations Activities that learners must be involved in Teaching materials that must be used Visual, tactile Problems, graphs, video, newspaper clips Quiz Construct, demonstrate Critical thinking/ analyse/
Learning is active Learning is constructive Learning is cumulative Learning is self-regulated Learning is goal orientated Learning is collaborative Learning is individual different EFFECTIVE LEARNING CRITERIA
WHY ? Variation can provide the opportunity to all learners to view learning differently It will enhance learning Motivate learning