PR1914 THE FOUNDATION CURRICULUM Learning Through Practice GEOGRAPHY Session 1 – The Nature of Geography (Introducing Magical Geography) Semester
Aims of the session: Introduce the module/ module handbook Discuss where we are starting this module from and explore the question ‘What is Geography’? Consider why geography should be promoted in the classroom Start to become familiar with the current National Curriculum programmes of study for Geography ( Key Stages 1 and 2) and consider proposed changes to the current curriculum and the possible implications of these changes Review the current state of geography Consider how geography can be promoted in the classroom
Who are these people and what do they all have in common?
Why do we teach geography in schools today… ? phy-top-10-alevel-subjects
Geography …the challenge….. Geography Learning to make a world of difference- Ofsted, 2011 There was marked polarisation in the quality of teaching and learning as well as the geography curriculum in the primary schools visited In approximately one in 10 of the primary schools visited, geography was more or less disappearing, often where the foundation subjects were being taught through themes Improvements were often being slowed down by primary teachers’ weak knowledge of geography, their lack of confidence in teaching it and insufficient subject-specific training. Just over half the primary and secondary schools visited did not use fieldwork enough.
TO DO … before next week … Read the Ofsted report for Geography…concentrate on the executive summary at the start of the document and think in particular about the recommendations on page 7- What will you need to do as a future teacher to ensure some of these are addressed? Come prepared to discuss what you have read next week
So where do we start from … Everyday geography … (Activity)
TO DO … before next week … Read the article by Fran Martin entitled ‘Everyday Geography’ posted on the LN- How could you use these ideas as a future teacher? Come prepared to discuss your ideas next week
So what will you as a future primary school teacher teach as part of the primary geography curriculum ?
The National Curriculum for GEOGRAPHY as it is at the moment…. and how we thought it was going to be!
Activity Look at Programmes of study for the current Geography National Curriculum In front of you, you have the National Curriculum content for Geography – key stages 1 and 2 What surprises you (if anything) about the content? Which areas will you feel most confident to each? Which areas do you feel less confident to teach? What could you do about this?
What will you be teaching in 2016…? s/ /Michael-Gove-promises-to-remove- straitjacket-of-national-curriculum.htmlhttp:// s/ /Michael-Gove-promises-to-remove- straitjacket-of-national-curriculum.html
So what is Geography …
Geography SpaceDiversity Inter- dependence Changing physical and human processes Environmental Interaction ScalePlace Key Geographical Concepts
Geography offers children unique opportunities for learning Life skills World knowledge People and places Developing the ability to make sense of information Observing and interpreting the environment Map reading and way finding Understanding and interpreting pictures Communicating findings in drawings, charts and diagrams Recording and analysing data using ICT Discussing issues and problems with others Critical and creative thinking Developing an awareness and understanding of distant places and environments Recognising how people from all over the world are linked through travel and trade Building a framework of place knowledge Investigating major rivers, mountains and cities Developing an appreciation of other peoples and cultures Recognising the need for a just and equitable society Developing an understanding of spatial relationships at a range of scales Undertaking fieldwork, enquiries and active exploration of the locality Exploring landscapes, settlements and human activity Considering environmental issues and local Agenda 21 Becoming a global citizen with multicultural understanding
The W W Factor of Geography “Geography is of immeasurable importance. It just gets into everything. Everything we do, we do in a context that involves a complex web of people and places with all sorts of implications. All our lives are just one big geographical puzzle and I believe that when we try to relate ourselves to the bigger picture we can make sense of our place in the world more easily. Geography offers us the skills to understand and tackle many of today’s big issues, such as poverty, inequality, pollution, multi-cultural understanding and energy needs” (Owens, 2006,p.12 )
So….why is GEOGRAPHY important ?
Activity In pairs, make a list of all the places you know have been ‘in the news’ in 2011 e.g. Japan
Geography is all around us… (Activity)
Where next ? - you are not alone………..
Independent Study Tasks- to be completed before next week 1.Visit the Learning Network and look at the resources that have been put up for this course. 2. Complete the reading that you have been asked to do in this session. 3.Think of “inspiring places” – places you have a personal connection with. Contribute to the forum entitled ‘Inspiring Places’. Bring in a photo, memento etc of one special place and be prepared to talk about why it is special to you next week.
Bibliography Catling, S and Willy, T (2009) Teaching Primary Geography, Exeter: Learning Matters. Geographical Association (2009) A different view: A manifesto from the Geographical Association Sheffield: Geographical Association. Jackson, P. (2006) Thinking Geographically. Geography 91 (3), pp Owens, P (2006) The PG interview: Paula Owens. Primary Geographer, 61,12.