Erfan Ahmad Andrew Bauer Derek Forehand
1.Smartec Transaxle and Spindle 2.Meeting with Steve Weber 3.Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis
Variable Speed AC induction motor Drive by wire system Can be operated both independently and in pairs Fully tunable via a controller
Two brushless DC motors Zero maintenance: 1.No belt 2.No brushes 3.No pulleys Dual controller package to ease heat and element risk.
Talked about prototype possibilities. Trade offs between performance and cut time Discussed existing products Looked at average power needs. Draw from blades/transaxles Generator/motor requirements Talked about cost savings directed at buyers. Return on Investment Analysis
Existing Equipment Examined existing mechanical equipment Got generator information Testing at BaSco test facility Got permission to run battery loading tests Blade tests to determine power draw Drive tests to determine machine drivability
Basis: 100 hrs / year mowing time.75 gallons of gas / hr $4.00 / gallon Analysis Results: Return on Investment does not support marketing in the Consumer Market Share with this design. Other design types might allow better opportunity.
Basis: 200 hrs / year mowing time.75 gallons of gas / hr $4.00 / gallon Analysis: Return on Investment supports marketing within this range, but is still not ideal. As with the consumer market, this could be improved with moderate design changes.
Basis: 1280 hrs / year mowing time.75 gallons of gas / hr $4.00 / gallon Analysis: Return on Investment suggests an ideal market within this target group with the current design.
The Consumer market does not do well with current equipment costs. Potential opportunity might exist with a change to our design ideas which we need to investigate further. The Prosumer market is viable with our current design, but could also be improved by a change in design. The Commercial/Professional market is an optimal target for a mower of this type based on cost and design specs.