Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Reporting and Data Validation Updates Presenters: Wes Day Barbara Strother Greg Wilson ETA’s Office of Performance and Technology U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Presentation Overview Discuss WIA and Wagner-Peyser reporting requirements and due dates Review ETA’s performance reporting system Review ETA’s data validation initiative and new software
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Required Reports Annual Report required for WIA –9091 Quarterly reports are required for WIA and Wagner-Peyser/VETS –9090 and 9002A-E, VETS 200A-C Monthly WIA and Wagner-Peyser reports (ARRA) –9147, 9148, 9149 Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data (WIASRD)
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Annual PY 2008 DRAFT Due Dates Monday, August 17, 2009: Validated PY th quarter 9002 and VETS 200 reports Monday, August 17, 2009: Wagner-Peyser Report Validation and Data Element Validation summaries for PY th quarter 9002 and VETS 200 report Thursday, October 1, 2009: Validated PY 2008 WIA Annual Report Thursday, October 1, 2009: WIA Report Validation summary Thursday, October 15, 2009: PY 2008 WIASRD file Tuesday, February 1, 2010: WIA Data Element Validation NOTE: All files must be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Quarterly and Monthly Due Dates Quarterly Reports are due 45 days after the end of the quarter. –Example: 1/1/09 - 3/31/09 report due 5/15/09 Monthly Reports are due 15 days after the end of the month. –Example: 7/1/09 - 7/31/09 report due 8/17/09 –First report due July 15 th
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Grantee Reporting System - EBSS States submit their reports to ETA using the Grantee Reporting System (aka EBSS) EBSS – Enterprise Business Support System –
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Grantee Reporting Log In Screen
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Passwords One for Wagner-Peyser Reporting One for WIA Reporting One for Wagner-Peyser Data Validation One for WIA Data Validation For password assistance, contact:
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA The WIA Screen
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Labor Exchange Screen
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA The WIA Screen - Monthly
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Monthly Performance Reporting
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIA Adult Monthly Report
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Monthly Reporting Guidance Training and Employment Guidance Letter No includes –Detailed descriptions of reports –Report specifications –Timelines Available at:
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA The WIA Screen - Quarterly
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIA Quarterly Report
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIA Quarterly Report
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIA Quarterly Reporting Guidance Workforce Investment Act Quarterly Report: General Reporting Instructions and ETA Form 9090 Available at:
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA The WIA Screen - Annual
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIA Annual
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIA Annual – Table A
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Table O – Local Performance Table O contains information by Local Workforce Board –States should review to see if ETA has the most current listing of local areas and their ETA assigned numbers –States should send any updates to ETA no later than August 25 –send updates to
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Cross Form Edit Checks
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIA Annual Reporting Guidance Workforce Investment Act Annual Report: General Reporting Instructions and ETA Form 9091 Available at:
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA The WIA Screen - WIASRD
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIASRD - Intro Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data (WIASRD) –Individual records (not aggregate) –Very important for ad-hoc analysis Type of training Demographics Outcomes
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIASRD - Updates Updates for 2008 –Adds valid values to Other Non-WIA Programs (WIASRD field 326) to allow states to code American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 co-enrollments –Designates WIASRD field 313c as a “Special Projects” field
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIASRD – Submission Tips Uploading WIASRD files to EBSS can be very time consuming. ETA processes WIASRD files overnight and provides the state with a status the following day. Some tips to reduce WIASRD upload time include: –Zip your file –Remove unnecessary characters –Firefox is faster than IE
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIASRD – Tips Continued The slow way – 626 characters: " "," ","2","3","2","2","2","3","3","3","2","1","2","1","3","1","2","2","2"," 12","2","","2","2","1","1","4","1","00000"," "," ","2","2","1","2","2","2"," 2","","2","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","1","2","","","2","2","2","2"," ","0","2","1","2","2","2","1","1","","","","1","1","2","1","","1","1"," ",""," ",""," "," "," "," "," ","5","","3","3","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","", "","","","","","","","","","","","“ The fast way – 283 characters: , ,2,3,2,2,2,1,2,2,3,3,3,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,2,2,12,2,, 2,2,1,1,4,1,00000, , ,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,,2,2,2,2, ,0,2,1,2,2,2,1,1,,,,1,1,2,1,,1,1,20 01,,1712,,3112,03094,1182,0,0,5,,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA WIASRD – The Future Quarterly submissions beginning March 31, Includes participants and exiters. Now is the time to fix problems.
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Don’t Forget Wagner-Peyser! Monthly and Quarterly Reports Submitted to ETA via EBSS Quarterly Guidance: ETA 9002 and VETS 200 Data Preparation Handbook No. 406 Monthly Guidance: Training and Employment Guidance Letter No
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Basic Reporting Review Monthly WIA and Wagner-Peyser Reports Quarterly WIA and Wagner-Peyser Reports Annual WIA Report WIASRD
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Part 2: Data Validation ETA’s data informs the Legislative and Executive branches of government as well as media, researchers, and the public. Without Data Validation, ETA is not able to assess the accuracy of its data.
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA How Does Data Validation Work? Two separate processes are required to ensure that performance data is reliable: – Report Validation ensures that aggregate reports are calculated correctly. – Data Element Validation ensures that the data elements in the participant records used to calculate aggregate reports are accurate.
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Data Validation Guidance TEN 14-02: To inform the workforce investment system of the data validation initiative for employment and training programs. Issued May 28, TEGL 3-03: Data Validation Policy for Employment and Training Programs. Issued August 20, TEGL 3-03, Change 1. Issued August 20, TEGL 3-03, Change 2. Issued October 20, TEGL 3-03, Change 3. Issued July 15, TEN 9-06: Program Year 2005/Fiscal Year 2006 Performance Reporting and Data Validation Timelines. Issued August 17, TEN 19-07: Program Year 2006/Fiscal Year 2007 Performance Reporting and Data Validation Timelines. Issued December 11, TEN 09-08: Program Year 2007/Fiscal Year 2008 Performance Reporting and Data Validation Timelines. Issued September 3, 2008
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Data Reporting and Validation Software Data Reporting and Validation Software (DRVS) version 7.2 released May 6, –Use for PY2008 Annual Report and 2009 Quarterly reports –Adds valid values to Other Non-WIA Programs (WIASRD 326) to allow states to code American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 co-enrollments –Fully implements the Literacy/Numeracy calculation per TEGL 17-05, Change 2 –Designates WIASRD 313c as a “Special Projects” field
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA DRVS – Available Here! DRVS is available at:
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA DRVS is Essential to Reporting Processes the WIA Quarterly and Annual Reports, and the Wagner-Peyser/VETS quarterly performance reports Provides all functions necessary for validation –Compares reports –Sampling and data accuracy analysis Uploads performance reports and validation error reports to ETA
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Reporting of Validation Results DRVS produces: –Report validation summary –Data element validation summary and analytical reports WIA and LX DRVS creates files with the annual report validation values for upload to ETA
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA DRVS Reporting Options Screen This reporting option screen is for the WIA annual report covering Program Year 2008.
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Creating RV Extract Files for WIA State IT staff produce extract file with participant records for all participants and exiters included on the appropriate report Extract file format is based on the WIASRD (with extra fields added to help locate participant files in one-stops – sampling unit, WIB Name, Office Name, Case Manager, and User Field)
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Loading Extract File into DRVS State staff import the extract file into the data validation software The software processes the file and builds performance outcome groups Multiple edit checks
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Edit Check Error Report - Example
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Reload Files if Necessary Review error and duplicate reports Determine whether the extract file must be regenerated or reformatted based on whether the number of errors is significant Load the entire modified extract file if necessary –DRVS will not import additional records into a file that has already been imported.
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Uploading the WIA Annual Report to DRVS To calculate the error rate, the software must have the state’s reported values Import the item totals from the WIA Annual Report into the reported count input form The validation software provides the capability to e-submit the report to ETA
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Whew…
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Report Validation Summary After reported values from the WIA Annual Report have been imported the software produces the report validation summary –Calculates the difference between the validation and reported values –Displays an error rate for each reported value DRVS can e-submit the report to ETA
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Report Validation Summary Example
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA How Does Data Validation Work? (again) Two separate processes are required to ensure that performance data is reliable: – Report Validation ensures that aggregate reports are calculated correctly. – Data Element Validation ensures that the data elements in the participant records used to calculate aggregate reports are accurate.
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Data Element Validation Report will not be accurate if the data being used by the software are wrong Requires checking data elements against source documentation to verify compliance with federal definitions –States identify state-specific source documentation DRVS produces worksheets for state staff to enter source documentation review
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Source Documents Source documents support the validity of a data element States should identify state-specific source documents
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Location of Source Documents Most source documentation will be located in the One-Stop center Some source documentation will be stored at the state level –Wage record information is checked against state’s wage record files –There may be other central administrative data files
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Sampling Methodology DRVS selects a sample of records from a sample of offices in the state –Ensures that not every office needs to be visited for WIA DRVS selects a sample of records from each performance outcome –Ensures that results will represent the overall quality of the state’s data
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Overview of Tasks for Data Element Validation Determine how validation will be done Assemble worksheets and arrange visits to offices Gather supporting documentation at office and complete worksheets Upload result to DRVS and then submit to ETA
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA Required Reports - Revisited Annual Report required for WIA Quarterly reports are required for WIA and Wagner-Peyser/VETS Monthly WIA and Wagner-Peyser reports (ARRA) Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data (WIASRD) …and don’t forget the Data Validation results!
Employment and Training Administration DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA That’s All Folks… For additional information, please visit: