Nordic Scientific and Scholarly journal publishing - interesting times. Practical OJS hosting OJS in the Nordic Countries The PKP Project Uppsala 25/11/2009 Kurt Mathiesen, Copenhagen Business School Library
Service since 2005/6 E-journal service hosted at CBS Available for journals related to CBS Free of charge Reliable backup Open Source Platform Strong international software base
Hosted Journals The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies Foucault Studies LSP & Professional Communication Dansk Sociologi Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi (management) Sats – Nordic Journal of Philosophy DF Revy (DK Research Libraries)
What do we offer? Help setting up the journal Training for editorial staff Backup Technical support along the way Support in relation to copyright, digitisation etc. Institutional/national network
Open Journal Systems (OJS) Hosted service, but local Highly configurable Online submission Handles review-process Subscription module OAI-PMH Search engine friendly CSS Styling -notification RSS-feeds Fulltext searchable
What do we offer? (2) Initial meetings + OJS demonstration Journal setup:16 hours Training: 2-3 sessions of 3 hours Technical Support: 2-3 hours/month Other support: ? (growing) Network activities ? (growing)
Lessons learned CBS Library All journals are unique Don’t stand hard on OA Make gradual transition possible Needs and wishes grow Join cooperation Service Level Agreements?
E-publishing in DK (1) 623 journals* 163 online available in some form* Few are using editorial software Individual OJS-journals: Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology (JICLT) HIPHIL Nordisk Teologi *Jørgen Burchardt, Viden giver velstand: Hvidbog om dansk forskningsformidling.
E-publishing in DK (2) University of Copenhagen Museum Tusculanum Press Aarhus University Aalborg University (+OCS) Technical University of Denmark (+OCS) Roskilde University Copenhagen Business School (+OCS)
OJS in the Nordic countries
NOAP Test and compare different publishing platforms Brief review suggested OJS as the sole survivor in the market. New focus on hosting service instead of system + development issues related to OJS Translation: Done. Possible developments: POD Scientific Reviews in Scandinavia
OJS in the Nordic countries Uses and Users Individual Society Journals Scholarly publishers University Publishers University Libraries Professional for profit publishers
OJS in the Nordic countries Uses and Users Open Journal System Open Conference Systems Open Monograph Press
OJS in the Nordic countries Uses and Users Open Access Tool Access Online submission and peer review Online Archive Anthologies
Nordic OxS User Group? At host/publisher level One common project Some cooperation Some shared interests? Some coming projects? At journal-staff level Best practice How do I?
The Public Knowledge Project
Public Knowledge Project Initiated in 1998 primarily to estimate the costs of publishing a scholarly journal. Released first software package in 2001
Public Knowledge Project Develops and maintains several software packages: Open Journal Systems Open Conference Systems PKP Harvester Open Monograph Press Lemon8
PKP meeting agenda Development strategies and conditions Funding (eg. Inspiration from OJS OCS Development requests (we’ll bring a list) Danish/Nordic OxS communities
PKP Conference Customizing OJS for publishers of cultural magazines (delete 40%, magazinise transl., graphical challenges) Questioning Accesibility (using video in OJS) Consider geography and socioeconomic features of readership Lemon8-XML import documents in any current format (almost) extract document objects eg. metadata, sections etc. provide editability for document object assist users with citation correction export to a machine actionable xml format
Further Info NOAP wiki Website (incl. mailing list) PKP Nordic OJS journals /show/ /show/
Copenhagen Business School Library Faculty Services Kurt Mathiesen