Emily Lambert, Jesse Mitchell, Morgan McKnight, Haylee Downton
o Peter Woulfe gathered the existence of Tungsten from his analysis of wolframite in o Tungsten was isolated as tungstic oxide by Carl W. Scheele from scheelite in But he did not have a reason furnace to reduce the oxide to metal. o Tungsten was lastly isolated in 1783 by two chemist and brothers in Spain, Fausto and Juan Jose de Elhuyar. They did this by reduction of acidified wolframite with charcoal. o The name “Tungsten” means heavy stone.
o The word “Tungsten” comes from the words “Tung” and “Sten”. Those are Swedish words. They mean heavy stone. o Tungsten carbide was used by Osram, a German company. This was used in place of diamond drawing dies. o During World War 2, Tungsten carbide was needed for its weaponry production.
o Tungsten has been used by porcelain makers in China more than 350 years ago. They integrated a peach color in their designs by using a tungsten pigment. o During World War 2
Symbol: W Atomic Number: 74 Atomic Mass: amu Color: silver white
Boiling Point: 5660°C Melting Point: 3410°C At room temperature it is a solid. Its classified as a metal. It conducts electricity. When mixed Thorium it becomes radioactive, and is dangerous to anyone who is exposed to it. Also has the ability to shield radiation.
The dust of tungsten is flammable. The dust of tungsten is explosive. It does corrode if temperatures are above 400°C. Tungsten reacts with halogens- fluorine and chlorine. Tungsten doesn’t react with air, water, acids, and bases.
o Tungsten has/are used for… Filaments for incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent light bulbs, and television tubes Jewelry Used as a target for X-ray production Heating elements in electric furnaces Parts of spacecraft and missiles
Symbol is from Wolfram. Latin- Wolframium Swedish- Volfram French- Tungstene Portuguese- Tungstenio Has the highest melting point and boiling point of all metals. Has the lowest vapor pressure. Western Europe owns 30% of the worlds Tungsten, North America and China own 25%, Japan owns 13%. The remaining resources are in smaller countries. Wolframite means “the devourer of tin”. Pure Tungsten is soft and Tungsten Carbide is extremely hard.
o What did the mole say when his friends crashed the party? The mole the merrier! o What kind of chip dip do you use on mole day? GuacaMOLe! o Why is Avogadro in love with Cindy Crawford? She's his favorite super-mole-dle (and she has a mole). o How much does Avogadro exaggerate? He makes mountains out of mole hills
o Advameg, Inc. "Chemistry Explained." Tungsten, Chemical Element. N.p., Web. 16 Oct o Cannon Jennifer. ehow.com. Ehow. nd. Web. 14 Oct o chemicool.com. Chemicool. nd. Web. 14 Oct o education.jlab.org. Jefferson Lab. nd. Web. 14 Oct o Elderfield & Hall, Inc. "Thoriated Tungsten Radioactivity." Pro-Fusion. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct o Gagnon, Steve. "The Element Tungsten." It's Elemental -. Jefferson Labs, n.d. Web. 16 Oct o Live Science Staff. livescience.com. Livescience. 19 Aug 2013.Web. 14 Oct o purdue.edu.com. Purdue Owl. nd. Web. 14 Oct o rsc.org. Royal Society of Chemistry. nd. Web. 14 Oct o Tungsten World. "Tungsten Rings Hammer Test Vs. Titanium Rings Vs. Gold Rings - Tungsten World Reviews." YouTube. YouTube, 15 Apr Web. 16 Oct o Winter, Mark. webelements.com. WebElements. nd. Web. 14 Oct 2014.