Tungsten Tungsten is an metal alloy that is used in many ways. By: Jack and David S.
Color Tungsten is usually silver it can range from; Gray Dark Gray Silver Platinum (Color)
Streak Tungsten does not have a streak because it is a metal. But it does when mixed with other materials.
Tungsten has a shiny metallic luster.
Hardness Tungsten is a on the Moh’s Hardness Scale. Harder; Topaz Corundum Softer; Feldspar Apatite
Cleavage of Tungsten Tungsten is found mostly in four different ores: scheelite, wolframite, ferberite, and huebnerite. Of these four, wolframite is the principal ore for tungsten and the only one not too brittle to measure its cleavage. The cleavage of wolframite is perfect, numerically noted as (010), and indicates that wolframite breaks cleanly in one direction. From is-the-streak-of-tungstenhttp:// is-the-streak-of-tungsten
Crystal Shape Tungsten does not have a crystal shape. it is a metal not a crystal.
Where Tungsten is found 47% of Tungsten is found in China
Uses Tank armor Jewelry Anti-tank weapons High speed tools Car parts
/a/tungstenwolfram.htm Cobalt-and-More-on-Mohs-Scale-of- Mineral-Hardness.aspx mmodity/tungsten/stat/