Introduction to Blended Learning Richard Walker E-Learning Development Team University of York Definitions & Design Principles
Session Outline Positioning blended learning design: - a training pathway What is blended learning? - definitions - characteristics & modes of engagement - BL models Design principles for a blended course
Training pathway Design Getting started, identifying course objectives, planning principles Develop Accessibility guidelines, structuring content, set-up and use of e-tools Prepare Testing and reviewing module site Rollout Student induction & support resources
Guidance for course design
Reflection point 1.Why are you considering a blended approach to course design and delivery? What are you trying to achieve? 2. What do you understand by the term ‘blended learning’?
Blended Learning - definitions “the thoughtful integration of classroom face-to-face learning experiences with online learning experiences” (Garrison & Kanuka, 2004) “a pedagogical approach that combines the effectiveness & socialization opportunities of the classroom with the technologically enhanced active learning possibilities of the online environment” (Dziuban, Hartman & Moskal, 2004)
Characteristics of Blended Learning BL is a convergence of two “archetypal” learning environments: face to face and fully online BL recognises strengths and weaknesses in both environments and attempts to merge the strengths to provide more engaged learning experiences for students In blended courses human-human interaction and learner-material interaction both typically play strong roles, though to different degrees Thus, different modes of student engagement are discernible…
Modes of engagement Enabling learning Enhancing learning Transformative learning Extending range of learning opportunities active learning and engagement Increasing flexibility & access to learning Self-study resources & extension reading Discussion space & peer support Formative assessment activities Personalised learning pathways Collaboration & communities of inquiry Student-led teaching & discovery-based learning
What’s in the blend? Space: location where online learning is conducted (off-campus/ work-based…) –physical & pedagogic distance between learners & instructor Time: timing of learning activities (synchronous/asynchronous) & frequency and fit within overall course design Activity: mix of study models & pedagogy underpinning online activities, influencing roles/focus/direction of student learning Media: range of tools employed in support of study activities Scope: activity > course > programme > institution Class Block ‘pre-learning’ assessment of prior knowledge/skills knowledge acquisition collaborative tasks Class Block Class Block Front Loading transfer of conceptual learning to practical tasks / skills development assessment milestones preparation for seminars Class Block Class Block Incremental Class Block Class Block Online Activities themed research activity portfolio development & evidence collection Parallel Class Block Class Block Class Block Class Block project work dissertation writing structured development of class-based learning Class Block Class Block Back Loading Targeted learning behaviour CharacteristicsTools BehaviourismPre-conscious learning: information in chunks with questions/feedback Learning units with CAI / CAA Information processing Transmission of information thro communication/explanation Virtual classroom; conferencing; agents Constructivist learning Experiential; task-oriented; hands-on & self-directed Microworlds; simulations; access to resources & expertise Conversational learning Tutor mediated discussion of concepts / tasks: ’reflection in action’ Interactive learning resources; tutoring tools Knowledge negotiation & collaboration Problem-based or research driven learning (group-based) Resource base & collaborative group tools Socially situated learning Learning as social participation – imitation & modelling; competency based Asychronous / synchronous communication tools
Blended Learning Models ModelDefinitionIllustrative Features A – VLE Supplemented Optional resources focusing on self- directed learner support Self-study resources & extension reading Space for formative assessment; reflection & space for problem solving & discussion ModelDefinitionIllustrative Features A – VLE Supplemented Optional resources focusing on self- directed learner support Self-study resources & extension reading Space for formative assessment; reflection & space for problem solving & discussion B – VLE Dependent (i) Content (ii) Communication (iii) Collaboration (iv) Assessment Student-centred activities requiring active engagement Online activities for (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv). Online activities linked to face-to-face sessions, also targeted by learning outcomes & assessment ModelDefinitionIllustrative Features A – VLE Supplemented Optional resources focusing on self- directed learner support Self-study resources & extension reading Space for formative assessment; reflection & space for problem solving & discussion B – VLE Dependent (i) Content (ii) Communication (iii) Collaboration (iv) Assessment Student-centred activities requiring active engagement Online activities for (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv). Online activities linked to face-to-face sessions, also targeted by learning outcomes & assessment C – VLE Integrated Online environment as key locus for learning, supporting knowledge acquisition, skills development & assessment Student-staff interaction within VLE, plus face-to-face Activities as per B (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) Learner interaction to resources, assessment & collaboration tasks online
Blended Learning is not an ‘add-on’ to an existing teaching approach It involves a “fundamental reconceptualisation & reorganization of the teaching and learning dynamic” It is about “rethinking and redesigning the teaching & learning relationship” (Garrison & Kanuka, 2004) Principles for BL course design
References & recommended reading Donnelly, R & McSweeney, F. (2009) Applied eLearning and eTeaching in Higher Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Dziuban, C., Hartman, J., & Moskal, P. (2004, March 30). Blended learning. EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research Research Bulletin. Garrison, D. R. & Kanuka, H. (2004). Blended Learning: Uncovering its Transformative Potential in Higher Education. The Internet and Higher Education, 7(2), Littlejohn, A.H. & Pegler, C. (2007) Planning for blended learning, Routledge, London ISBN