Program Expansions A Brief History Early 20 th Century – Timberland End of 20 th Century – Forestland In the 21 st Century – –Today – Land Use Change –Tomorrow – Treed Lands? –Day After Tomorrow – All Veg?
Program Expansions The Broader the look; the Better the Parts Timberland to Forestland Timberland; Reserved Forestland; Unproductive Forestland Forestland plus Land Use Change Forestland Urban Agriculture Rangeland Water Land Use Change ≠ NO Trees
Trees Falling thru Gap Not an Acre Not 120’ Wide Wrong Land Use
Why Fill the Gap All trees: Sequester Carbon Provide Habitat Filter Water Stabilize Soils Provide Biomass Enhance Biodiversity Create Jobs Some trees: Increase crop yields Protect livestock Conserve energy Improve health and safety Handy trees should be tally trees!
Filling the Gap One Constituency at a Time Trees on Non-Forestlands –Urban –Agricultural “Working Trees” –Riparian –Range lands
Filling the Gap One Constituency at a Time New Constituency = Support New Support = Funding –Direct –Indirect New Funding = Filling the Gap WITHOUT compromising the base forestland mission
Filling the Gap Urban Lot’s of Statewide Urban Pilots –IN, WI, TN, CO, WA, OR, CA, HI, AK –Confirmed we can –Quantified urban forests –Confirmed value and benefits –Not resulted in strategic national investment –Maybe the scale is wrong??? FIA scale.. urban forests of USA Urban Constituency Scale…my city
Filling the Gap Urban Vibrant Cities Initiative ( Urban areas - where most people live (84%) and vote! Urban areas viewed as ecosystems –People, gray and green infrastructure intermix/interact –Urban forests key component of green infrastructure –Improving urban forests key to vibrant urban environments “At the root of every vibrant city is an urban forest” –“Ecosystem” key to scale issue Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas –Scale at which FIA can contribute
Filling the Gap Urban 12 Vibrant City Recommendations (Goals): Create a national education and awareness campaign. Foster urban forestry and natural resources stewardship and volunteerism. Create sustainable jobs in urban forestry and green infrastructure. Cultivate partnerships between public and private sectors. Develop new public administration models for urban ecosystems. Create comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional Urban Regional Natural Resource Plans. Integrate federal agencies’ green infrastructure goals. Establish energy efficiency programs that emphasize the use of trees. Ensure equal access to urban forestry and green infrastructure resources. Support collaborative urban ecosystem-focused research. Encourage open access to and use of social assessment tools. Establish national Vibrant Cities Standards.
Filling the Gap Urban FIA contributions to 12 Vibrant City goals: Baseline accounting of urban forests Long-term monitoring of change in urban forests Valuate urban forest benefits and services Platform for sample intensification/augmentation Nationally consistent methods and procedures Data sharing and distribution tools Green job opportunities
Filling the Gap Urban FIA Benefits Extends FIA to voting populace Makes FIA key to their needs Broadens support network Parks and People Foundation ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability USA Chicago Wilderness Tree Care Industry Association Urban Greenspaces Institute New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Arbor Day Foundation TreePeople, Inc. Cascade Land Conservancy Congress for New Urbanism Trees Forever Open Space Institute International Society of Arboriculture Sacramento Tree Foundation Sustainable Urban Forests Coalition New York Restoration Project Society for Municipal Arborists Alliance for Community Trees National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Strategic urban forest inventory –Built one metro area at a time –Allows seamless urban to rural monitoring
Filling the Gap Urban Other Logical Partner –Dave Nowak, FS R&D, NRS Urban Forest Specialist Established user base Established partnerships Does urban forest inventory for a living Partner in all our urban pilots Has developed software –I-Tree –Urban Forest Effects Model (UFORE) –Has read and emulated the little green book Established processing engine Established reporting format
Filling the Gap Urban Nowak design Single 1/10th acre fixed Fast and efficient in cities FIA design Cluster of 4 - 1/6th acre fixed Clunky in cities Pragmatic Suggestion
Filling the Gap Urban Prefield Field Processing Analysis Distribution Staged Cooperation FIA Nowak Conceptual Partnering Model