Single-incision Laparoscopic Surgery An initial experience from Tung Wah Hospital Dr. Michael CO Division of Hepatobiliary Surgery Department of Surgery University of Hong Kong Tung Wah Hospital
Introduction Laparoscopic surgery –Gold standard of treatment of many major abdominal operations –Less morbidity and hasten post-operative recovery –Minimally invasive surgery (MIS)
Ways to minimize surgical trauma Needlescopic surgery –Reducing the size of the incisions –2-3mm ports and instruments Single-incision laparoscopic surgery –Reducing the numbers of incision
Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) Acronyms –Single Port Access (SPA) Surgery –Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) –Laparoscopic Endoscopic Single-port Surgery (LESS) –Embryonic Natural Orifice Transumbilical Endoscopic Surgery (E-NOTES)
Applications First described in urologic operations Scarless single port transumbilical nephrectomy and pyeloplasty: first clinical report. Desai, Mihir M et. al. BJU International. 101(1):83-88, January 2008 Then being applied in general surgery –Cholecystectomy –Appendicectomy –Colectomy Single-port laparoscopy in colorectal surgery. Remzi et. al. Colorectal Disease. 10(8): , October Single port acces (SPA) Surgery – Initial experience of a novel minimal access approach applied across surgical specialties. Surg Endosc 2008; 22: S172.
Instruments Tri-port system -One 10 mm camera port -Two 5 mm instrument ports
Problems Crowded space for multiple instruments Lack of triangulation of instruments Lack of adequate organ retraction Learning curve for surgeon Limited evidence of benefits from literature Initial experience with single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Carr AM, Bhavaraju, A Goza, J Wilson R. Am Surg Jul;76(7):703-7.
Lack of literature Only a numbers of case reports / case series Transumbilical single-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a case report. Guo Wei et al. CMJ, 2008, Vol 121. No. 23: Single port laparoscopic cholecystectomy with the TriPort system: a case report Romanelli JR et al. Surg Innov Sep;15(3):223-8 Single Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Is it more than a challenge? Ersin S et al. Surg Endosc 2010:24:68-71
Started to perform SILS since May 2009 First operation was laparoscopic cholecystectomy 44 operations performed (till July 2010) 31 Female / 13 Male Mean age 56.7 years old (Range 32-72)
Types of operation
Conversion to conventional laparoscopic surgery Cholecystectomy group –1/32 need one extra port (3.1%) –2/32 need three extra ports (6.2%) –None had conversion to open surgery Splenectomy group –1/2 need two extra ports (50%) –None had conversion to open surgery Overall conversion rate –4/44 (9%) had extra-ports
Conversion Rate
Operating Time Cholecystectomy –Mean 120 minutes (Range 33 to 299 minutes) Marsupialisation of liver cyst –Mean 125 minutes (Range minutes) Splenectomy –Mean 129 minutes (Range minutes) Wedge resection of small HCC –135 minutes Indirect inguinal hernia repair –60 minutes
Length of stay Cholecystectomy –1.6 days (Range 0-6 days) Liver cyst marsupialisation –2.3 days (Range 1-3 days) Splenectomy –1.5 days (Range 1-2 days) Wedge resection –4 days Hernia repair –1 day
Mean Blood Loss Cholecystectomy –25ml (Range 0-200ml) Liver cyst marsupialisation –30ml (Range 0-100ml) Splenectomy –35ml (Range 20-50ml) Wedge resection –200ml Hernia repair –Minimal
Post-op complications Cholecystectomy group –1 had retained cystic duct stone –Overall complication rate 3.1% (n = 1)
Limitations of our case series Relatively small sample size Not a comparative trial All cases were elective Only one patient had malignant condition
Co M et al.Roberts KE et al. 1 Additional ports9.3% (3/32)1.7% (1/56) Conversion to open surgery 0%1.7% (1/56) Mean operating time 120 mins (Range )80 mins (Range ) Length of stay1.6 days (Range 0-6)0.3 days (Range 0-2) Complication rate 3.1% (1/32)5.4% (3/56) Mean blood loss25 ml (Range 0-200)N/A 1. Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A surgeon's initial experience with 56 consecutive cases and a review of the literature Roberts KE, Solomon D, Duffy AJ, Bell RL J Gastrointest Surg Mar;14(3)
Conclusion Single-port surgery –Feasible procedure –Advances in technology will enable us to perform SILS in difficult cases in the future –Need more evidence from literature
Special thanks to my supervisors Dr. W. K. Yuen Dr. W. K. Ip Dr. K. Y. Wong