The Horse On the tenth year the Greeks decided to attack Troy, but they could not get pass the walls. Odysseus decided to build a horse as a gift for the Trojans. Inside the horse the Greeks hid and when let in, they attacked the city.
Causes of the war The Greeks set sail for Troy to fight for what Paris had stolen from them. Paris stole many riches from the Spartan Kingdom. He captured Helen (The king of Sparta, Menelaus, wife), which caused Menelaus to declare war.
Famous Trojans Priam- King of Troy who had 50 sons and 12 daughters Hector- Son of Priam, favorite of Apollo, wears Achilles armor, killed by Achilles Paris- Son of Priam, accepts bribe from 3 goddesses and wants Helen, kills Achilles, killed by Philoctes Hecuba- wife of Priam, survives war Cassandra- Daughter of Priam, has affair with Apollo, given to Agamemnon after war
More Trojans… Andromache- Wife of Hector, warns of the war Laocoon- Son of Priam, warns against accepting the Horse. Aeneas- Son of Aphrodite, becomes Trojan troop commander and survives the fall of Troy.
Greeks Agmemnon- King of Mycenae, brother of Menelaus, commander and fights with Achilles, murdered by his wife Menelaus- King of Sparta, husband if Helen, commander and fights Paris to win Helen back Achilles-”swift-footed” warrior, some of Peleus and a sea nymph, kills Hector, killed by an arrow in his only weak place, his heel
More Greeks… Patroclus- Achilles brother, kind and gentle, killed by Hector Ajax- Prince of Salamis, fights Hector peacefully, fights Trojan ships, commits suicide Odysseus- Son of Laertes, successful raid against King Rhesus, won Achilles armor, created the Trojan horse, famous trip back home Nestor- Advisor who is to old to fight
First Nine Years During the first nine years the Greeks attacked the neighboring kingdoms, gaining weapons, wealth, and women. The spent this time destroying the Trojans economy
Victory When the Greeks gave a surprise attack on the Trojans, a massacre occurred. After the many people were killed, the Greeks burned Troy and left it in ruins.