WHAT IS DUA? Federally funded program through Department of Labor By DHS’s Federal Emergency Mgmt Agency State administered by AWI Helps those who lose work as direct result of declared disaster Work lost was primary source of income Employed or self-employed who are ineligible for reg UC Up to 26 weeks of assistance
HOW DUA GETS STARTED Assistance must be requested by Gov. Disaster declaration by President AWI official announcement of DUA 30 days from announcement date to file If date of separation is later than the announcement date, state law will apply Exhaust UC and EUC first
WHO CAN APPLY? Workers who have Exhausted entitlement to state UC AND Working or residing in disaster county
ELIGIBILITY PLUS as a direct result of damage or destruction in a county with a declared disaster, must experience one of following: Became unemployed or are unable to reach job Was scheduled but can’t begin new job or can’t get to new job Can’t work due to disaster-caused personal injury NOT personal property damage unless business at home Have become major support of hh where hh head died due to disaster
HOW/WHEN TO APPLY? Effective date of DUA is the Sunday after the disaster occurs No DUA pymts for time before eff. date Can get up to 26 wks of benefits File online at or by phone www.fluidnow.com
INFORMATION at FILING Social Security Number Alien registr. # and exp. date if non-citizen Must be able/available for work (work-authorized) Name and address of most recent employer(s) Proof you were working at time of disaster Name and address of employer & date work to begin (for those who were scheduled but could not start job)
PROOF of SELF-EMPLOYMENT Proof for last 2 years State or federal tax returns or 1099 forms Financial statements Bank records of biz accts or ltr from bank Title or deed to business property Fax documentation to Fax after filing Put SSN on all documents
APPEALS 60 days to appeal a determination or redetermination In usual manner under state law 1 st decision on appeal must be issued within 30 days 15 days to appeal referee’s decision to Regional Administrator, Employment & Training Administration Regional Administrator has 45 days to obtain the records and issue a decision The decision by the Regional Administrator must be issued within 90 days after the day on which the claimant’s 1 st appeal was received by state agency
AWI Documents on DUA Fact Sheet UA/ImportantFactsAboutDUAFLUID.doc UA/ImportantFactsAboutDUAFLUID.doc Web Page _prog_dua.html _prog_dua.html Brochure ABrochure.pdf
OTHER DUA RESOURCES 20 CFR Part _20/Part_625/toc.htm DOL Fact Sheet mploy/disaster.asp