By: Aaron Rech
o The Southwestern Indians are any American Indian that live or once lived in the southwestern part of the U.S. o There were four main tribes- Navajo, Apache, Zuni, and Hopi. o The two biggest and most well known tribes were the Navajo and Apache.
Apache o The Apache entered the southwestern part of the U.S. in 1100 B.C. o They lived on wild game, seed and fruit gathering, and live stalk. o The Apaches were known as fierce fighters.
Apache- Life Today o Today they live on reservations totaling over 3 million acres in Arizona and New Mexico. o They still continue to practice many of their tribal customs. o Today their income is from cattle, timber, and tourism.
Navajo o The Navajo or “Dine” as they call them selves, are the biggest tribe of North American Indians. o Over one thousand years ago they began to travel south and reached the southwestern U.S. o The Navajo learned how to plant food, weave, make clothing, and art from the Pueblo Indians.
Navajo- Living o They lived in homes called hogans. Made from wooden poles, tree bark, and mud. The door was opened to the east so they could welcome the sun. o After the Spanish settled in the 1600’s, the Navajo began to steal sheep and horses from them. They used the sheep for its wool to make clothes, blankets, and rugs. They also used sheep for food. They used the horses to travel longer distances. o They began making items to trade in towns.
Navajo- Life Today o The Navajo reservation is currently the largest in the U.S.- 16 million acres, most of which is in Arizona. o They still weave from wool and use natural vegetable dyes for color. o Today, people live like the old days the best they can with the modern lifestyle, but others use modern technology to live. Video