Welcome to the Cholesterol Jeopardy Gameshow! There are 5 categories and each category has five questions ranging from points. If you have no background knowledge on cholesterol, then don’t feel bad if you get a lot of these wrong! This is an opportunity for you to learn about cholesterol! Have Fun!
* WebMD. (nd). Cholesterol and Triglycerides Tests. [accessed 14 March 2015]. Retrieved from management/cholesterol-and-triglycerides-tests. management/cholesterol-and-triglycerides-tests * Mayo Clinic. (nd). Tests and diagnosis. [accessed 14 March 2015]. Retrieved from conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/basics/tests-diagnosis/con conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/basics/tests-diagnosis/con * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (nd). What You Can Do. [accessed 14 March 2015]. Retrieved from * Disabled World. ( ). Saturated Fats Trans Fats and Unsaturated Fats. [accessed 14 March 2015]. Retrieved from
LDL What the HDL? There’s a Test? LipidityPotpourri
What does LDL Stand For?
Low-Density Lipoprotein
Speaking In normal terms, is LDL good or bad?
LDL is in fact bad for you.
What is the structure of LDL?
Has a very low density of lipoproteins and a very high density of cholesterol
Where does LDL come from?
The liver transports very low quantities of it but the junky foods that are in todays diet have LDL.
Why do doctors monitor the concentrations of LDL in patients’ blood?
Because to high levels of LDL can cause risk of heart attack, stroke.
What does HDL stand for?
High Density Lipoprotein.
Speaking In normal terms, is HDL good or bad?
In normal terms HDL is good cholesterol.
What is the structure of HDL?
Has a high density of lipoproteins and a lower density of cholesterol.
What is the function of HDL?
HDL is created by the liver to go through the bloodstream and “remove” the lingering LDL cholesterol to keep the blood stream clean.
Daily Double Surprise: What is the Function of LDL?
LDL is created by the liver to be sent to certain parts of the body. Since cholesterol is a lipid it is a precursor to hormones and steroids that our body needs to be able to change and grow.
What type of test can be used to measure cholesterol?
Lipid panel or lipid profile or lipoprotein profile
What are the benefits in monitoring cholesterol? (Name 2)
* To check your response to medicines used to treat lipid disorders. * To find your risk of having heart problems and blood flow problems. * To determine if you have any genetic diseases that make you have high cholesterol.
What can patients do to change the levels of LDL and HDL in their blood? (Name 2)
* Eat a Healthy Diet * Maintain a Healthy Weight * Exercise Regularly * Don't Smoke * Treat Your High Cholesterol
What other molecules in a patient’s blood are monitored along with LDL and HDL? (Name 1)
* Triglycerides * Chylomicrons (sometimes) * Other types of lipids (unsaturated, saturated, and trans)
How are the concentrations of LDL and HDL associated with the risk for heart disease and associated disorders?
* In general, the higher your LDL level and the more risk factors you have, the greater your chances of developing heart disease or having a heart attack. * HDL cholesterol protects against heart disease, so for HDL, higher numbers are better. A level less than 40 mg/dL is low and increases your risk for developing heart disease.
What is the difference between Saturated and unsaturated Fat?
* Unsaturated fats have a double bond and saturated fats don’t. * Unsaturated fats are the good fats, while saturated fats are the bad fats. * Unsaturated fats are derived from plants, and saturated fats are derived from animals.
What is a Trans Fat? (Describe as best as you can)
* It is a type of fat that according to the FDA is no longer safe to consume in food. * Trans fats can be found in many types of pre- packaged items, like cookies, crackers and potato chips. * Trans fat is formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oils, a process called hydrogenation which increases the shelf life and flavor of food containing these fats. * Trans fats are also found in many fried foods such as french fries and doughnuts.
How does the intake of unsaturated fats affect cholesterol levels and overall health?
Unsaturated fats raise HDL levels which in turn lowers LDL levels in the bloodstream.
How does the intake of saturated fats affect cholesterol levels and overall health?
Raises LDL levels very high and can increase the risk of Heart Disease.
How does the intake of trans fats affect cholesterol levels and overall health?
* Raises LDL levels very high and lowers HDL levels. * Can increase the risk of Heart Disease.
What type of macromolecule is cholesterol?
What do the results of a cholesterol test mean?
* Your cholesterol levels can help your doctor find out your risk for having a heart attack or stroke. * They also can tell your doctor if you have any genetic cholesterol disorders.
How should patients interpret each value?
Total Cholesterol Level: Less than 200 mg/dL = Desirable mg/dL = Borderline High 240 mg/dL and above = High LDL Cholesterol Level: Less than 100 mg/dL = Optimal mg/dL = Near optimal mg/dL = Borderline high mg/dL = High 190 mg/dL and above = Very high
What is the condition called that is characterized by a narrowing or hardening of the arteries from plaque (LDL) build up?
What are the 5 main things that cholesterol is used for? (Name 4)
* Critical component of cell membranes * Precursor to all steroid hormones * Precursor to vitamin D (requires sunlight) * Produces bile acids which aid the digestion and absorption of fats * Limiting factor for brain synapses- learning and memory