MASONIC ETIQUETTE Welcome Lodge 255 (Outline copied from Saddleback Laguna Lodge 672)
Manners In and Around the Lodge Building Courtesy and Respect People and Property Manner of Addressing Masonic Brothers Grand Lodge; Officers; PM’s; Brothers Grand Master and Past Grand Masters: Most Worshipful Dep. Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden or Junior Grand Warden: Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary or Grand Lecturer: Very Worshipful Grand Chaplain: Very Reverend All other Grand Lodge Officers: Worshipful Master of the Lodge: Worshipful Master or Worshipful Past Masters: Worshipful All Others: Brother Guest Keep them Engaged and/or Hand off to another Brother. Don’t let them feel like a stranger Be Aware of your surroundings Appropriate Topics and Language Never talk about Religion or Politics Always use appropriate language within the lodge and with guest Clean up is Everyone’s responsibility
Definitions and Occasions for Dress Formal: Tuxedo (Installation, Reception of Grand Lodge Officers, Hiram Award) Business: Suit and Tie (All Degree Nights (for Officers), Semi-Formal Events) Dressy or Business Casual: Slacks and Dress Shirt or Sport Jacket, Slacks and Polo Shirt. No Tie, Jeans or Shorts. (Stated Meetings, Degree Nights (for Sideliners)) Casual: Polo Shirt and Slacks, Jeans and Shorts OK. (Informal Events, Untiled Meetings, School of Instruction) Western: Western Shirt and Slacks, Jeans OK. (Stated Meetings, Degree Nights (for Sideliners), School of Instruction)
Manner of Dress and Personal Hygiene Clean and Neat; Well pressed and groomed. Business Casual Jacket and Tie Preferred for Ritual Business Casual if necessary. Shoes Polished No Hats permitted in Lodge during Tiled meetings. Except for religious or Health Reasons. The Master is the only person in the Lodge to wear a hat.
How to Enter the Lodge Be on Time Officers in place 5 minutes early (set up earlier). Apron Worn (Outside all other Garments) Not to be worn outside the building If you are Late Check with the Tiler Check Columns and Jewels for Labor or Refreshment; SW Column up, the lodge is at Labor. JW Column up, the lodge is at Refreshment. If the Jewels are broke, the lodge is at Refreshment. Giving the Sign at the Altar Depending on Which Degree.
Lodge Meeting Etiquette Addressing the Worshipful Master. Addressed by Worshipful or Worshipful Master. Address only the WM unless he gives permission. Do not Address other Brethren unless requesting permission to do so. Side Conversations During the Meeting Hold conversations until “free from restraint” or “refreshment”. Electronic Devices Turn Cell Phones Off, or Silent. Joking and Horseplay Be Respectful of Candidate Degrees Returning from “at ease” or “refreshment” promptly. No joking or laughing during degrees. Candidates don’t understand.
How to Exit the Lodge Pedestal Stations never Vacant while Lodge is at Labor. During Refreshment periods, the Master must remain in the lodge or someone must fill in as Master if the Master needs to leave the lodge room. Nobody Exits the Lodge while Balloting is underway. Approach and Sign at the Altar. If nothing is going on at the Altar. Approach and Sign by the Door. If something is going on at the Alter. Always return your Apron to the Apron Stand.
Manners for Masons Outside the Lodge Be On Time (Integrity) Confirm Social Commitments and Appointments. Call well ahead if you are going to be late or to reschedule or cancel. RSVP All Invitations Promptly Yes I/We will attend. Thank you for your invitation. No I/We will be unable to attend. Thank you for your invitation. Bring a Small Gift for Formal Event invitations.
Manners for Masons Outside the Lodge Treat others with courtesy and respect. Have good personal hygiene. Have good table manners. Be aware of special situations. They have unique etiquette attached to them. Send Thank You Cards/Notes, s Promptly Reciprocate when possible, Bring something when appropriate, or ask if anything is needed.
Protocol Channels of Communication Brother/Brother Seek Guidance from Coach Lodge Officer / Master Tiler, Chaplain or PM Inspector If Candidate Problem Senior Warden / Master Ritual Correction Should ONLY come from Officers Coach, Coach, Senior Officer Candidate Correction Should ONLY come from the Coach Prompting in Lodge Officers coach or designated by Speaker ONLY.
Resources Purchase a good book on Etiquette. Other Modules available (eventually) Tiler Investigations Coaching Officer Duties Chaplain
Famous Quotes Manners easily and rapidly mature into morals. Horace Mann Politeness and consideration for others is like investing pennies and getting dollars back. Thomas Sowell
Welcome Lodge 255 Masonic Etiquette Thank you