Secure File Sharing Presented by Vishal Kher February 13, 2004
2 References E.-J. Goh, et al. SiRiUS: Securing Remote Untrusted Storage. In Proceedings of NDSS M. Kallahalla, et al. Plutus scalable secure file sharing on untrusted storage. FAST 2003.
3 Outline SiRiUS Plutus Comparison
4 Goals System should be easy to install and use No changes to file server Secure file sharing –Confidentiality and integrity Data as well as meta-data –Key management –Read and read-write distinction –Freshness Meta-data
5 Assumptions Untrusted File Server File sharing for small groups Trusted client machine Presence of PKI or similar infrastructure
6 System Components d-fileData File md-fileMeta-data file FEKFile encryption key (symmetric key per file) FSKFile Signing Key (asymmetric) MEK, MSKFile owner’s encryption and signing key (asymmetric) md -file Meta-data integrity file P U, S U Public and private key of user
7 File Structure E FEK (D)SIG FSK (H(D)) d-file Encrypted Key Block (users) Encrypted Key Block […] Public Key for FSK Metadata Last modified TS File name SIG MSK on md-file md-file Username FEK FSK Username FEK E PU Prevent swapping attacks
8 Freshness of md-file File residing in user’s home dir belong to user Creation –Hash all md-files and store the final hash in md -file –Concat hash of md-files in a dir to md -file of subdir –Sign the final hash (root level) along with timestamp and place in root md -file Update –The owner’s client updates after some time interval Verification –Walk up the tree
9 Write Assume owner updated the access control info Write –Obtain md-file, verify signature on md-file –Obtain FEK and FSK –Obtain d-file and verify signature using pub key of FSK –Decrypt data –Encrypt modified data with FEK, hash sign using FSK –Rewrite the d-file Dumb – sequential –Extension talks about random read and write
10 Read and Rename Assume owner updated the access control info Read –Obvious from previous description Rename –Require updating the hash tree and md -file
11 Key Management and Revocation Key Management –Owner manages keys –User needs MEK and MSK Revocation –Nothing special –User updates FEK and meta-data –Re-encrypts file
12 Performance
13 Discussion (1) Roll-back –No data freshness –Replace current d-file with a valid old version No suitable for large scale file sharing Owner performs all the key management –Good for P2P Huge performance overhead –Can further reduce some number of signatures Storage overhead
14 Discussion (2) Change of user’s public keys – Contact the owners of every file Keep/ search a list of these files –Do file owners have to figure this out? Where should the keys be stored? –Smartcard –Encrypted using pass phrase Hassle to user How can they be accessed seamlessly?
15 Extensions Random Access –Each block encrypted with AES, CBC with different random iv Encrypt pathname using FEK –ls command will require all FEKs + decryption! Large scale group scaling using NNL DB1SIG MSK DBnH(DB)n ….
16 Outline SiRiUS Plutus Comparison
17 Goals Low cryptographic overhead in file server File server unaware of user’s identity Secure file sharing –Decentralized Key management Completely pushed to users –Confidentiality and integrity Data and meta-data –Authorization Read and read-write distinction
18 Assumptions Untrusted storage Trusted client machine User’s authenticate each other before obtaining keys over a secure channel –Key management is handled by users Communications are secure
19 File Groups and Lock Box Filegroup is a group of files with same privileges –Owned by same {owner, group}, have same permissions –Reduce the number of keys Lock Box –Box with a lock that holds a bunch of keys –Need key to the box to access the stored keys
20 System Overview (1) Each file block is encrypted with a different key –fileblock key Every filegroup has a lockbox –Lockbox stores all file-block keys of files belonging to that filegroup –Associated with lockbox is a lockbox-key (symmetric) Encrypts file-block keys Owner distributes lockbox-keys to readers and writers Reader writer distinction –Asymmetric keys: file-sign key, file-verify key
21 System Overview (2) Integrity of data file –Writer hashes all data blocks of the file and signs the root using file-sign key Confidentiality of meta-data –Encrypt names of files in dir using file-name key –Encrypt filegroup names using file-group key
22 File Structure E foo-key (foo) E bar-key (bar) E tmp-key (tmp) header E B-key (filegroupB) header E A-key (filegroupA) Inode 1 block 1 Inode 2 block 2 Inode 3 block 3 H(block 1) K file-block1 Root hash + sign Inode 1 header Using file-sign key for filegroupB File foo
23 Read Reader wants to access foo Browse to obtain name of the owner of foo Contact owner for: –file-verify key, file-lockbox key –Verify the signature on root using file-verify key –Decrypt lockbox using file-lockbox key and fetch file-block keys –Decrypt file foo
24 Write Reader wants to access foo Contact owner for: –file-sign and verify key, file-lockbox key –Generates file-block keys –Encrypt blocks –Store lockbox and file blocks –Calculate hash tree, sign root, write the tree with sign But… How to authenticate writers –Token per file group –Hash(Token, F) is stored in inode –Server verifies tokens before allowing writes
25 Revocation Lazy revocation –Changes keys –Owner immediately updates meta-data –Mark file for re-encryption –Re-encrypt only on updated File-groups –Same key multiple files On write following revocation –key for re-encrypted file different!
26 Key Rotation Every key has version numbers Readers and writers should check the version before using the keys
27 Discussion Total trust on insiders. –No notion of identity on the server –any authorized user can change and sign the data – Will the readers be able to track who changed it? The owner will have to be online to distribute keys Burden on owners –Good for P2P –How about enterprise?
28 Comparison Role of server Verify writesStore data (unmodified) PlutusSiRiUS File sharingDynamicStatic: A user cannot create file User’s identityHiddenIncluded in meta-data Key distributionDone by owner to userOwner puts the appropriate keys in the meta-data Hash treeUpdate by writer Includes data blocks Periodic update by owner Only includes meta-data RevocationLazy + key rotationNothing special Number of KeysLess: File groupsOne per user ScalabilityMore scalableLess scalable
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