State of Minnesota Statewide Integrated Financial Tools AR-BI 2: Billing Advanced
Objectives – Billing Advanced Define terms Explain the relationship between Billing and AR Introduce the processes and features of Billing Advanced 2
Billing and Accounts Receivable Overview SWIFT Billing and its sister module, Accounts Receivable, create a seamless system for: Creating outgoing bills Matching payments to invoices Handling and applying payments correctly 3 You do this SWIFT process AR Lifecycle Legend Step 3: Customer pays invoice Step 2: Invoice is sent to customer Step 1: Billing creates invoice Step 5: AR creates payment entry Step 6: AR applies payment record to the right account Step 4: AR matches payment & invoice
Initial Billing Entry 4 Billing Data Enters SWIFT through: You do this SWIFT process AR Lifecycle Legend Express Bill Entry Standard Bill Entry Billing Interface Review Billing Information Correct Errors Finalize Bills
Billing – Creating Bills The Billing module offers several options for bill creation: Manual entry Standard/Express Individual bills Recurring bills set up Installment bills set up Inter-Agency bills Billing interface From internal modules (GM, AM, etc.) From external systems, bill information uploaded through interface 5
Standard Bill Entry 6 * A pro forma is a printable sample invoice used to review a bill. You do this SWIFT process AR Lifecycle Legend Inter-Agency Bill Installment Bill Recurring Bill Copy a Single Bill Create a Pro Forma*
Lesson 2: Creating Bills - Terms Standard Bill Entry (SBE) - manual entry of bill(s) Express Bill Entry - a streamlined way to enter a bill manually Inter-Agency Bill – created via SBE when one agency bills another for goods or services provided Installment Bill – via SBE, invoice customer in segments Recurring Bill – through SBE, reproducing bills or portions of bills to generate invoices 7
Lesson 2: Creating Bills Terms – Other Features Create a Pro Forma -- creates a sample of an invoice to review Review Billing Information – allows viewing of billing information entered. No changes can be made here. 8
Lesson 2: Creating Bills Terms - Copying Copying a Bill - use when a new bill needs to be created with all or most of the same information as an existing bill with similar data. Reduces redundancy in data entry. Copying a Group of Bills - use when multiple new bills need to be created that contain similar data to existing bills. 9
Lesson 2: Creating Bills Terms – Other Features Processing Loans using Billing - when an agency processes a loan using SBE. Similar to an Installment bill. The difference is: 1. Choose Loan for the Bill Type 2. It hits a Loan Receivable account rather than an AR account. Approving Bills - Billing Workflow is determined and set at the business-unit level. Approvers use a SWIFT Worklist to review, approve or reject the bill. 10
Lesson 3: Working with Billing Interface 11 You do this SWIFT process External Action Legend Module / External system downloads bill data Billing Interface Loads interface bills into Staging Table Process bills on Staging Table Run query to check for errors Correct Errors
Lesson 3: Working with Billing Interface Loading Interface Files (external) – files are picked up on mainframe by AppWorx and loaded into staging tables Processing Bills on Staging Tables – job that runs and edits files sent. Moves files and creates new bills on the SBE in SWIFT Running Query to Check for Errors – see if data sent did not pass edits Correcting Invoice Errors – enables you to correct errors to complete the billing process 12
Lesson 4: Processing Non-consolidated Bills -- Terms Non-consolidated Bill: an individual bill 13
Lesson 4: Processing Non-consolidated Bills 14 RDY status to create invoices You do this SWIFT process AR Lifecycle Legend ** Reviewing Invoice Errors No Any Errors ?** Yes Single Action Invoice Process Make corrections Re-run any necessary processes Invoice ready to mail
Lesson 4: Processing Non-consolidated Bills 15 If needed, these processes can be run individually to Correct errors or Replace the Single Action Invoice Process. However, they MUST be run separately and in the exact order shown from left to right. *Creates accounting entries for bills You do this SWIFT process AR Lifecycle Legend Run Invoice Finalization and Print Run Currency Conversion Run Preload Process Run Load GL* Run Budget Check Load Invoices to AR
Lesson 5: Adjusting Bills Use Adjusting Bills functions to make changes to an invoice AFTER it’s been sent to the customer. Adjust a bill three ways: Credit entire bill Credit entire bill and re-bill (example: wrong customer was invoiced) Select certain lines to re-bill – change certain lines on a bill 16