Services Procurement Overview January 2012
Session Purpose Provide an overview of the professional services procurement processes and the Services Procurement (“sPro”) system. Review changes being introduced with the upgrade: –Supplier Portal –Supplier Invoicing Proprietary & Confidential 2
Step #1 Finalize SOW (Suppliers Point of View) Proprietary & Confidential 3 5. Release Work Order 1. Finalize SOW Release & Password s Supplier Nesutar POC Neustar AP Neustar Procurement 2. New Vendor 3. Complete New Vendor Forms 4. Setup Vendor Yes
Work Order Release Proprietary & Confidential 4
Password Proprietary & Confidential 5
Step #2: Record Transactions Proprietary & Confidential 6 2. Review Transactions 5. Review Invoice 1. Enter Transactions Service Provider sPro Transaction Approver Supplier Invoicer Supplier Invoice Approver Procure- Ment & AP 7. Review Invoice 3. Approve ? 4. Create Invoice No Yes 6. Approve ? No Yes 8. Approve ? No Yes – Pay Vendor
Supplier Portal Proprietary & Confidential 7
sPro Web Portal –The new sPro Web Portal gives vendors access to sPro Training, required forms, and FAQs – Proprietary & Confidential 8
Supplier Invoicing Proprietary & Confidential 9
Invoice Entry Overview Proprietary & Confidential 10 Neustar uses a PeopleSoft application known as Services Procurement (“sPro”) to track contractor time, expenses, progress logs and invoice approved transaction It is YOUR responsibility to: Accurately create your invoices in sPro based on approved timesheets, expense reports, and progress logs Review any rejected invoices, resolve the issues, and re-submit the invoice for approval
Supplier Invoicing Current Process: Neustar automatically creates invoices on Supplier’s behalf based on the approved transactions (e.g. timesheets, expense reports and progress logs) Many suppliers have expressed concern that the current process does not allow them to control: –How many invoices are created –When invoices are created –Which transactions are placed on which invoices Proprietary & Confidential 11
Supplier Invoicing New Process: Invoices will be generated by the supplier Invoice Manager. The new interface for creating invoices will now display a “Qualifying Transactions” section, with drill-back capability * Invoice Manager – Person who is delegated by the company to create invoices in PS Services Procurement. All users with the Provider Contacts access have ability to generate invoices Proprietary & Confidential 12 Vendor Creates Invoice Vendor Internal Approval Process Neustar Approves Invoice Approvals
Step #1: Access to Services Procurement PS module Proprietary & Confidential 13 You can access sPro one of two ways: 1.Through Supplier Portal - click on the Create Invoices link. 2. Navigating to the URL directly at:
Step #2: Log into sPro Proprietary & Confidential 14 Enter your User Name and Password in the PeopleSoft login screen and click Sign In (not shown in the graphic below). Enter your user id and password 1 Press Sign In 2
Step #3: Navigate to the Manage Invoice Page Proprietary & Confidential 15 Note: If you clicked on the Create Invoice from our supplier portal, you do not need to do this step as you will be taken to the Create Invoice page automatically. Click on Services Procurement 1 Click on Manage Invoices 2
Step #4a: Create new Invoice – Manage Invoice Screen Proprietary & Confidential 16 Manage Invoice screen allows users to create new invoices Search existing invoices
Step #4b: Create new Invoice – Selecting Business Unit Proprietary & Confidential 17 After navigating to the Manage Invoice page, select your Business Unitfrom the List of Values and then click the ‘Add’ button The Qualified Transactions section will show all transactions that are ready to be invoiced 1 Business Unit: Use the Magnifying Glass icon to search available Business Units, once selected, click ‘Add’ to continue 2 2 Transactions ready for Invoicing: This section will show all transactions that are either Approved/Ready to be invoiced or Pending Approval The Business Unit listed here can be entered in the Add New Invoice section above 1
Step #4c: Create new Invoice – Creating new Invoice Proprietary & Confidential 18 Select Timesheets or Progress Logs 1 Select what type of Invoice you are creating (Timesheets or Progress Logs) Click ‘Save’ to continue Click Save to Continue
Step #4d: Create new Invoice – Creating new Invoice Proprietary & Confidential 19 The Add Lines to Invoice screen will open. This will provide an overview of the invoice, as well as display any transactions that can be invoiced. 1 1 Select Lines This section will show all transactions for the invoice type you selected (timesheet or progress logs)
Select lines for invoicing this can include both Timesheets (or Progress Logs) and Expenses Then select ‘Add Selected Line(s)’ Step #4e: Create new Invoice– Adding lines to the Invoice Proprietary & Confidential 20 1 Select Lines You can select individual lines or select the Select/Deselect All option Creating the Invoice. Click Add Selected Lines to create the invoice 2 1 2
Click ‘OK’ to continue This will save the lines to an Invoice Step #4f: Create new Invoice– Confirmation of Line selection Proprietary & Confidential 21 Confirmation Required. Click ‘OK’ to continue -OR- Click ‘Cancel” to return to the previous screen 1 1
Review the estimated invoice total When ready to submit, select the invoice(s) and click the ‘Submit’ button Lines can also be deleted by selecting the line and clicking the ‘Delete’ button Step #4g: Create new Invoice– Submitting the Invoice Proprietary & Confidential 22 Estimated Invoice Total This area displays a running total of the estimated totals of the lines. If new lines were added, the total would reflect the chances Submitting the Invoice. Select the lines to submit (or use the ‘Select/Deselect All’ option) and click ‘Submit’ Deleting Lines. To delete a line, select the line and click the ‘Delete’ button
Proprietary & Confidential 23 Click ‘OK’ to continue This will submit the Invoice Step #4h: Create new Invoice– Confirm Submission Confirmation Required. Click ‘OK’ to continue -OR- Click ‘Cancel” to return to the previous screen 1 1
Additional Questions? Proprietary & Confidential 24 You can access additional training guides and a frequently asked questions list at