The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery Session on Civil Society Engagement, Community Resilience and Gender
Outline Lessons from pilot strategy on Civil Society Partnership Strategy overview and relation to GFDRR strategy Strategy objectives Summary and points for discussion
Lessons from pilot CSO strategy Supporting local level resilience building Vulnerability is the starting point Organized communities should be recognized as partners with expertise in building resilience Inclusive community resilience needs to emphasize socially inclusive approaches to DRM Empowering women is a critical ingredient for building resilience For scaling up, need to bridge the gap between local, sub-national and national levels
Lessons from pilot CSO strategy GFDRR’s added value Leveraging larger country programs Convening power
Building on pilot strategy for greater impact on inclusive community resilience Refine the approach in a new strategy to build on lessons learned in pilot phase Capitalize more fully on GFDRR’s leveraging ability and convening power through WB Integrate measurement on the objectives into GFDRR M&E framework
Strategic spheres Resilient societies and reduced disaster losses Community-led disaster and climate resilience Gender and women’s empowerment
Obj. 1: Integration of civil society, citizen engagement, and gender dimensions into GFDRR’s portfolio Activities: Technical assistance and analysis to integrate citizen engagement and gender dimensions in DRM country programs Project activities implemented through CSO partners Project activities that promote the role of women in DRM Proposed targets: Expansion of CSO engagement in DRM programs at the rate of two per year so that by 2017, an additional six DRM programs have projects that engage civil society partners. Six GFDRR-supported country programs integrate a specific focus on women’s empowerment in DRM. Examples: Engaging students and citizens in generating risk maps in Kathmandu Honduran women’s organization leading inter-agency partnership with govt on DRM
Obj. 2: Integration of DRM/CCA into large community level investments Activities: Technical assistance and analysis to integrate DRM and CCA into large scale investments that provide resources directly to communities, including community driven development (CDD) and social protections systems. Proposed targets: Ten training activities undertaken with national governments working on CDD or Social Protection regarding the integration of DRM into project design Six country CDD or social protections projects integrate DRM into their design Example: Request from national CDD program in Indonesia to support training of community mobilizers on how to engage communities on DRM; community-led vulnerability analysis in demonstration villages for incorporation into village development plans; and support priority DRM investments identified by communities.
Obj. 3: Implementation of knowledge and policy agenda on inclusive community resilience Activities: Extracting and systematizing learning from projects undertaken through objectives (1) and (2) Testing, generating evidence, and promoting innovative models of community-led DRM Promoting the voice of community and civil society in DRM and CCA policy dialogue Proposed targets: Substantive database of 30+ good practice cases on community-led partnerships with government and private sector on DRM Civil society, inclusive DRM, and women’s empowerment successfully promoted at Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan in 2015 Three country policy statements reflect recognition of community leadership and partnerships for DRM and climate change adaptation Examples: Research on Community-Led Partnership for Disaster and Climate Resilience
Points for discussion SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TARGETS FOR 2017 Obj. 1Additional 6 DRM programs have projects that engage civil society partners. Six GFDRR-supported country programs integrate a specific focus on women’s empowerment in DRM. Obj. 210 policy dialogue and training activities undertaken with national governments working on CDD or Social Protection regarding the integration of DRM into project design 6 country CDD or social protections projects integrate DRM into their design Obj. 3Substantive database of 30+ good practice cases on community-led partnerships with government and private sector on DRM Civil society, inclusive DRM, and women’s empowerment successfully promoted at Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan in country policy statements reflect recognition of community leadership and partnerships for DRM and CCA M&ECivil society and citizen engagement indicators are developed and integrated into GFDRR’s M&E system Gender indicators are fully integrated in GFDRR M&E Framework and all GFDRR projects are gender informed in at least one dimension Can we endorse the basic approach/structure? Feasible targets (summary below) Benchmarks and next steps for finalizing document, targets, indicators and implementation