10 Essential Security Measures PA Turnpike Commission
1. Physically secure your area, files, and equipment before leaving them unattended. Check doors, drawers, and windows. Lock up any sensitive materials before you leave your area. Never share your lock code, photo ID badge, keys, etc. Ensure that anyone who is visiting you signs in when they arrive, and signs out when they leave, and escort them at all times during their visit. Question people in your area whom you don’t recognize, or report them to the front desk. In restricted areas, don’t hold doors open for unknown people.
2. Secure laptop computers and other portable computing devices. Never leave the device unattended in public areas such as: Conference sites. Airports. Restaurants. Never leave a device in plain sight in a vehicle. At the end of the workday be sure to lock your device in a desk, cabinet, or office.
3. Anti-virus software Anti-virus software is installed and enabled on your computer. Do not attempt to disable this tool.
4. Don’t keep important data on portable devices unless you know how to properly protect it. When it is necessary to store sensitive information on portable devices or electronic media such as laptops, CDs, floppys, memory sticks, PDAs, phones, etc., it must be secured using an Information Security approved solution, typically encryption. Never store sensitive information on non-PTC media. And remember to dispose of electronic media, that contains sensitive information, in an appropriate manner. Typically, electronic media must be destroyed unless IT sanitized the media. Contact the IT Help Desk at ext for information. Also remember that paper media containing sensitive information must be shredded.
5. Do not install unknown or unsolicited programs on computers. Such as programs you find out about through . These can harbor computer viruses and malicious code, and even open a “back door” giving others access to your computer. Any usage of software obtained via the Internet must comply with Commission policy letter No. 8.5, Licensed Software Use.
6. Be sure that automatic login and guest accounts are disabled on your computer. This should not be an issue with PTC computing devices.
7. Shut down, lock, or log off of your computer before leaving it unattended. When you leave your seat, … And lock your computer. At the end of the workday, logoff and shutdown your computer.
8. Your computer should require a password to start up or unlock.
9. For additional security, set up your computer to “lock,” when it is inactive.
10. Always shut your computer down properly when you shut down; don’t just turn off the power button or the monitor.
The different modules of this tutorial will: Discuss the risks to your computer and the data it contains. Provide some guidelines for avoiding risks. Suggest some practical and easy solutions. Please review these modules at your convenience.