Africa’s Government and Religion African Rulers developed different forms of government. Traditional religions, Christianity and Islam shaped early African culture.
Chapter 13 Section 2 Questions 1.West African empires utilized ___________ governments ruled by _____________. 2.King __________ of Mali rewarded loyal citizens with gold, land, and horses. 3.Today, the most widely practiced religion in Africa is ______________. 4.Igbo is similar to Christianity, Islam, & Judaism in that all believe in ______________. 5.The ____________ language & culture still exists in East Africa.
Islam in AfricaTraditional African Religions Government & Society
Islam in AfricaTraditional African Religions Government & Society > Early African kings were powerful. They settled arguments, managed trade, and protected the empire. > Merchants paid taxes to the king and received favors from him.
Chapter 13 Section 2: Africa’s Government and Religion How was Mali ruled differently from Ghana?
Islam in AfricaTraditional African Religions Government & Society > Early African kings were powerful. They settled arguments, managed trade, and protected the empire. > Merchants paid taxes to the king and received favors from him. > Many African groups believed in 1 supreme God. > Beliefs varied from place to place, but their purpose was similar: To help people stay in touch with their history and provide rules for living. > Many Africans believed the spirits of dead relatives stayed with them when they died and that the spirits could talk to the supreme God.
Islam in AfricaTraditional African Religions Government & Society > Early African kings were powerful. They settled arguments, managed trade, and protected the empire. > Merchants paid taxes to the king and received favors from him. > Many African groups believed in 1 supreme God. > Beliefs varied from place to place, but their purpose was similar: To help people stay in touch with their history and provide rules for living. > Many Africans believed the spirits of dead relatives stayed with them when they died and that the spirits could talk to the supreme God. > Islam was popular in West African cities where Africans traded with Muslim Arabs. > Not all Africans accepted Islam. > Mansa Musa – worked to spread Islam. > Sunni Ali – called himself Muslim, but practiced the traditional religion of Songhai. His son refused Islam.
Chapter 13 Section 2: Africa’s Government and Religion Describe some of the beliefs of Tradional African Religions.
Government and Society Early African kings were powerful. They settled arguments, managed trade, and protected the empire. Merchants paid taxes to the king and received favors from him. Local rulers had some power and were loyal to the king. This allowed empires to prosper and grow.
Ghana’s Government Included a council of members who advised the King. The Empire was divided into provinces. They were ruled by lesser Kings or conquered rulers. Below them were local rulers who ruled over a district. The throne of Ghana was passed on to the son of the King’s sister.
Mali’s Government Officials had more responsibility than Ghana’s did. Empire was divided into provinces. Generals governed the provinces and protected the people from invaders.
Songhai’s Government Sunni Ali began dividing his Empire into provinces but died before he could finish. Muhammad Ture seized control of Songhai after Ali died. He was a faithful Muslim, and his religious ideas affected the Songhai government.
Traditional African Religions Many African groups believed in 1 supreme God. Beliefs varied from place to place, but their purpose was similar: To help people stay in touch with their history and provide rules for living. Many Africans believed the spirits of dead relatives stayed with them when they died and that the spirits could talk to the supreme God.
Islam in Africa Islam was popular in West African cities where Africans traded with Muslim Arabs. Not all Africans accepted Islam. Mansa Musa – worked to spread Islam. Sunni Ali – called himself Muslim, but practiced the traditional religion of Songhai. His son refused Islam.
Islam in Africa Muhammad Ture – took the name Askia Muhammad. Under his rule Timbuktu became a center of Islamic learning and culture. East Africa – blended African and Muslim traditions. Northern and Eastern African people adopted Islamic laws and ideas, even though some opposed those ideas. Islam: encouraged learning, influenced art and architecture.