1 Factors of Development of the Healthcare System of the Russian Federation Igor Kagramanyan Ph.D. (economics) Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation (Basel, Switzerland) SWISS RUSSIAN HEALTH FORUM
2 “Health of the citizens is the state’s absolute priority for the Russian Federation” Veronika Skvortsova Minister of Health of the Russian Federation
3 Factors of Development of the Health Care System of the Russian Federation I nstitutional environment of health care I nnovations I nvestments I nformation technologies I ntegration and international cooperation
4 Development of formal institutes in the field of Health care in Russia National project “Health” Federal Law FZ-323 of “ On Fundamentals of Healthcare Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation”. Federal Law FZ-61 of “On the Circulation of Pharmaceuticals” Strategy of the development of pharmaceutical industry until 2020 Concept of health care development until 2020 Programs of modernizing health care of the Russian Federation
5 INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF HEALTH CARE S TRATEGIC P RIORITIES I NTER - AGENCY TARGET RESEARCH PROGRAMS I NSTITUTES OF IMPLEMENTATION I NTELLECTUAL RESOURCES Technologies of early diagnosis, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation Technologies of health support and healthy lifestyle Technologies of pharmaceutical and medical industries Medical High- Tech centers State-private partnership Small and medium scale business H EALTH CARE PRACTICE S CIENTIFIC RESEARCH, ACADEMIC SCHOOLS P OSTGRADUATE STUDY, DOCTORAL CANDIDACY STUDY M EDICAL EDUCATION
6 Cluster – (accumulation), consolidation of several homogeneous elements, which can be regarded as an independent entity with certain properties Innovations in the pharmaceutical branch of the Russian Federation
7 Conditions, processes and results of cluster organization Creation of favorable investment climate Coming of investors Training of personnel for the production Establishment of scientific basis Creation of “cluster” portfolio Influence upon regulatory environment Meeting the needs of health care Innovative medicine
8 Potential of Integrated state information system in the field of health care of Russia Increasing the efficiency of management in the field of health care by means of information and technological support of solution of problems of prognostication and planning of expenditures for the provision of medical care, as well as monitoring of observing the state’s guarantees in terms of their scope and quality Improvement of the quality of rendering of medical care on the basis of information and technological provision of activities of medical and pharmaceutical organizations Growth of the population’s awareness regarding the healthy lifestyle, prevention of diseases
9 Partnership of Ministry of Healthcare within the framework of international cooperation
10 Greatness is not where we stand, But in what direction we are moving Oliver Wendell Holmes
11 Thank you for your attention