Vacation Prices WebQuest designed by Mark Donabella The three major costs of a vacation are: Airfare Hotel Rental Car
Introduction Are you sick of the snow and want to go somewhere with some sun and have some fun, too? Now is your chance to find a nice place to visit for spring break. Plan a trip for your family. But, remember you are on a tight budget.
Task You are planning a vacation for you and your family for spring break. The three major costs for vacations include; airfare, hotel price, and rental car price. You are to determine the best place to visit by finding the cheapest vacation to go on. The three choices you have for the destination of your vacation are: Orlando (Disney World), Las Vegas, or Myrtle Beach. You must leave from the Syracuse airport.
Process #1 & Resources You will Research these websites to find the best airfare: American Airlines– Continental Airlines Delta Airlines- JetBlue- TransMeridian Airlines- United Airlines- US Airways- You will research these websites to find the best hotel prices: You will research the following websites to find the best car rental price:
Process #2 Once you have obtained prices for all three destinations in each of the three categories (airfare, hotel price, and car rental price), you will add the categories for each destination to determine which vacation will be the best for your family. Once you have determined the price for each vacation, make a graph of the data that you have collected.
Evaluation The students will be assessed on their calculations and their graph. Each will count 10 points. For a total of 20 points for the assignment.
Conclusion At the end of this WebQuest, the students will be able to plan a vacation that best fits their budget by researching websites and performing the mathematics involved in calculating price.
Credits "We all benefit by being generous with our work. Permission is hereby granted for other educators to copy this WebQuest, update or otherwise modify it, and post it elsewhere provided that the original author's name is retained along with a link back to the original URL of this WebQuest. On the line after the original author's name, you may add Modified by (your name) on (date). If you do modify it, please let me know and provide the new URL.“ I would like to thank my WebQuest professor George Smith at Fresno Pacific University. Without his guidance and knowledge of creating and utilizing WebQuests in the classroom, I would not have been able to add this activity to my instructional methods.
Teacher Page: Lesson Plan Title: Vacation Prices Grade Level: 6 NYS L EARNING S TANDARDS : MST 3. › Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by communicating and reasoning mathematically, by applying mathematics in real-world settings, and by solving problems. L EARNING O BJECTIVES : Students in a 6 th Grade class (Audience) will be able to calculate total price (behavior) on their own (Condition) 100% correctly (Degree). Materials: Pencil, Paper, Computer, Calculator Procedures: 1. Students will read the introduction to the WebQuest 2. Students will read task to the WebQuest 3. Students will perform the process by researching the necessary sites in order to complete the task 4. Students will use their calculations to determine which destination is best for their family. Assessment: Students will be assessed based on their performance pertaining to the calculations and graphs.