Jaykob Ames- Channing Gibbs Engineering 3 rd the camera.
Introduction We chose the camera because there are many kind such as polaroid, digital, and wined up. We wanted to know what kind of camera was the first.
The idea of the camera Jan 24 th 1544 mathematician Reiners Gemma Frisius used a camera obscura, a device that used a pinhole or lens to project an image to watch a solar eclipse No way to preserve image
The first picture preserving camera Louis Daguerre experimented and by 1837 had created the first practical photographic process, which he named the daguerreotype and publicly unveiled in 1839
Birth of film The use of film was started by George Eastman, who started manufacturing paper film in 1885 before switching to celluloid in By 1888 his camera called the Kodak was for sale
The First compact camera Oskar Barnack, who was in charge of research and development at Leitz, decided to investigate using 35 mm cine film for still cameras while attempting to build a compact camera capable of making high-quality enlargement.
The first practical reflex camera Though both single- and twin-lens reflex cameras had been available for decades, they were too bulky to achieve much popularity. The Rolleiflex, however, was sufficiently compact to achieve widespread popularity
While conventional cameras were becoming more refined and sophisticated, an entirely new type of camera appeared on the market in This was the Polaroid Model 95, the world's first viable instant-picture camera.
First automatic exposure camera The first camera to feature automatic exposure was the selenium light meter- equipped, fully automatic Super Kodak Six-20 pack of 1938,
First electronic digital camera By the late 1980s, the technology required to produce truly commercial digital cameras existed. The first true portable digital camera that recorded images as a computerized file was likely the Fuji DS-1P of 1988, which recorded to a 16 MB internal memory card
Conclusion Cameras have been around for a long time and have been very useful and helpful. Pictures have saved memories for life times.
Bibliography Got our information from Wikipedia. ^ Needham, Joseph. (1986). Science and Civilization in China: Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 1, Physics. Taipei: Caves Books Ltd. Page Jump up ^ Jan Campbell (2005). "Film and cinema spectatorship: melodrama and mimesis". Polity. p.114. ISBN X 3.Jump up ^ The Camera Obscura : Aristotle to Zahn