From 14 to 18 From 11 to 13 From 6 to 10 From 3 to 5 Education in Italy is compulsory from 6 to 16. Compulsory school includes Primary School, Middle School and Secondary School( the first 2 years).
They study basic subjects such as Italian, Maths, History, Geography, Information Technology, Gym, Science, English, Religion. Lessons start at 8:30 am and finish at 13:30. Some schools organize optional courses for students in the afternoon.
Pupils may attend afternoon courses for practising particular interests, such as sport, sewing, cooking and pottery. Geography, Information Technology, Gym, Science, English, Religion and new subjects such as French, Technology, Art, Music, Citizenship. Lessons start at 8:30 am and finish at 13:30. They study basic subjects such as Italian, Maths, History,
At 14 students have to choose the type of school according to what they would like to do in their future. There are 3 types of school: Liceo (humanistic, scientific, artistic, linguistic), Technical and Professional Institutes. Students study six hours a day. In the afternoon they may attend particular courses according to their interests. At the end of the last year students take an examination calleg “State Exam” to obtain a diploma.
Students may go to: - University; - Vocational courses; - Work.