USPS District 4 Spring Conference Membership Committee Recruiting/Retention Program
What is each component ? Belong + Achieve + Recognize + Status = Retention
Joins the organization Pays dues BELONG
Recruiting Deserves full attention Should involve everyone in the squadron Set a goal – include number Develop a system to follow up on prospects BELONG
Recruiting - the Third Step Check your selection of membership criteria Have a plan on how to involve your new volunteers Recruit BELONG
Recruiting is the Third Step # 1 Check your selection of membership criteria BELONG
#2 Define small tasks for members BELONG
# 3 Recruiting Plan your strategy At seminars At Public Classes KISS (Keep it Simple & Short) Be subtle BELONG
Recruiting No one likes to ask Everyone faces the fear of asking and rejection Every volunteer is a member of your squadron’s staff BELONG
Recruiting Don’t forget to ask DON’T forget to ask DON’T FORGET TO ASK! Train your Recruiters to ask. BELONG
Things to remember Volunteers: Want to feel a sense of accomplishment in the work they do ACHIEVE
Things to remember Volunteers: Want an opportunity to grow and develop - Learn new skills Build personal relationships Have access to support and advice ACHIEVE
Accomplishes small tasks for the organization Must receive guidance plus a time frame and instructions! ACHIEVE
Be made to feel a part of your the squadron Know they made a difference
RECOGNIZE Recognize Volunteers: Educational Achievements Participation Achievements Volunteer Achievements
RECOGNIZE Simple recognitions at Meetings o Who passed what class o Who lead a function o Who attended a function
RECOGNIZE Simple recognitions in print Names in Newsletter Making a “Wall of Fame” Electronically or Hardcopy Joe Jane
RECOGNIZE Individual recognitions: Individual s Postcards Notes Fun Gifts – (Candy Bars) Lucky Bag Pins
FINALLY Status Final Stakeholder Worker to Commander People will pick there own status – leave them there
RETENTION Stake holders rarely don’t renew! R E M E M B E R !
Things to remember Volunteers: Reduce the attrition rate by keeping in close contact with your new volunteers Reassure volunteers that your there to help and aid Make sure volunteers know that they are part of something and are making a difference ACHIEVE
Things to remember Volunteers: Just saying this is going to take place is not going to work. Ask a number of people to bring x number of members with them. Form a recruiting committee within a function. ACHIEVE
Things to remember Volunteers: Provide opportunities to what might rekindle the passion! Beware of the changing lives of ACHIEVE
Things to remember Volunteers: Ask a volunteer what THEY need to accomplish the task at hand Be very clear about what is consider success of an assignment Need to know why the job is important ACHIEVE
Things to remember Volunteers: Ask a volunteer what THEY need to accomplish the task at hand Be very clear about what is consider success of an assignment ACHIEVE
Things to remember Volunteers: Ask a volunteer what THEY need to accomplish the task at hand Be very clear about what is consider success of an assignment Offer an opportunity for people to grow and develop ACHIEVE