Ocean Energy Eduardo Urquizo 8 th 4/18/14
Water falls is the source of ocean Energy Ocean energy can be found in power plants Water helps make ocean energy. Ocean Energy
3 benefits from this energy is useful energy, can power houses, makes megawatts. 3 drawbacks some work with water, no water cant work, no water no energy anymore. It is easy because water and dams are used to make the energy. Ocean Energy
This energy can be useful to homes today because it help with the power. This energy can help schools to provide energy for the school. No the energy cant be used for transformation because its energy not gas. Ocean Energy
No this type of energy does not cause pollution because its made using water It is safe and does not cause pollution in water because its like a river flowing to make the energy. This type of energy does not cause pollution In the air its safe. Ocean Energy
Dams don’t cause noise pollution. Maybe it can fix the polluting problems because it doesn't pollute anything This energy is useful because it makes energy with no pollution. Ocean Energy