UA9 Collaboration H8 Sept’10 Run - Preparatory Meeting Review & Status of the Telescope DAQ and Online/Offline Software Mark Pesaresi Jonathan Fulcher, Matt Ryan, Will Ferguson
Review of the DAQ (simplified) FED VME Controller Trigger & I2C Control DAQ PC (Linux SLC4) Telescope Data (2 Planes) FED Data (VME) Crate Control IC 9U Crate Inefficient data handling & small event packets limit readout rate from FED over VME DAQ throttled trigger rate to ~250Hz
Using the S-link64 Transition Card (TC) and PCI-X FedKit Receiver Card, max link bandwidth estimated ~ MB/s. Event size <1kB 3 networked DAQ PCs (3.0GHz QC, 5GB RAM, 4TB) will be used for controlling the Trigger/DAQ, controlling and monitoring the goniometer, packaging/writing the event data to disk and online analysis and monitoring of the telescope VME Controller FED Trigger & I2C Control DAQ PC 1 (Linux SLC4) Telescope Data (5 Planes) FED Data (Slink64) Crate Control IC 9U Crate DAQ PC 2 (Linux SLC4) DAQ PC 3 (Linux SLC4) Goniometer Control/Monitoring (Serial RS232->LVDS->RS232 Link) Gbit Network TC
DAQ Software Status (Jonathan)
Online Software Status
Control of the DAQ and storing of FED data uses CMS online & offline software frameworks (C++) XDAQ - CMSSW - XDAQ Supervisors Control and monitoring of DAQ hardware e.g. Fed9USupervisor TTCciSupervisor XtalDAQSupervisor XDAQ Data/Event/Storage Management Chain of processes to sort and package event data before storing in a format compatible with the offline software framework and appropriate run/event numbers etc. CMSSW Event Filter Equivalent to the CMS High Level Trigger, data is accessed from the XDAQ processing chain in shared memory and analysed online. Can also be used to select which data to store. Event Data Stored Data For our purposes, introduces a slight overhead perhaps – but flexible and easy to modify and saves reinventing the wheel… Online Software Overview (simplified)
Online Software Status A working online DAQ software was available in the previous test For the most part, DAQ can be operated by non-experts using web configuration pages, e.g.
Online Software Status However: some modifications required for the S-link bandwidth upgrade stability/DAQ recovery under high rate conditions needs to be guaranteed an easy way of viewing basic telescope information was missing or required expert help during the last test. New XDAQ page created – XtalDAQ Supervisor Provides a method to monitor the data from the telescope online Easy to use and configure to view a range of parameters and their dependence with time Uses the CMSSW Online Event Filter to analyse events as they are processed by the DAQ. As in the CMS trigger, processing is limited to ~100Hz so a configurable prescale is provided so that the rest of the DAQ can operate at full efficiency. Plots update every ~10s so that an adequate sample of 1000 events are recorded Is also used to monitor and move the goniometer
Online Software Status A choice of 70 plots to view, plus monitoring graphs of the mean/sigma of all available plots with time
Online Software Status A choice of 70 plots to view, plus monitoring graphs of the mean/sigma of all available plots with time
Online Software Status A choice of 70 plots to view, plus monitoring graphs of the mean/sigma of all available plots with time
Online Software Status A choice of 70 plots to view, plus monitoring graphs of the mean/sigma of all available plots with time
Online Software Status XtalDAQ Supervisor Status Works, tested using fake data from an ‘online’ monte-carlo simulation of the telescope under both normal beam and ‘channeling’ Requires testing with a goniometer/controller in order to finish Using a user defined monitored variable (e.g X [Plane5]), software can detect changes in this value as evidence for channelling and halt a goniometer scan. The reliability of this feature is to be tested Transmission of goniometer coordinates to FED to be implemented
Offline Software Status
Offline Software Overview Raw data is to be stored to disk and duplicated on castor /castor/ Low level reconstruction uses CMSSW Modular, simple to use at high level, relatively easy to add functionality and maintain code Sensible, given online software is based on CMSSW Can run directly off castor files providing access to data for all Possible issue with access to documentation if user is not registered to CMS (to be checked) High level analysis could use anything… Plan is to write reconstructed data to ROOT ntuples – other formats may be possible (e.g CSV) Analysis code to be written by users. A standard analyser will probably be available in ROOT/CMSSW though.
Offline Software Overview FED Event Unpacker Strip Clusteriser XY Hit Producer Global Track Producer siStripDigis siStripClusters xtalXYHits FED/APV mappings etc APV noises, gains, thresholds etc Plane alignments, global coordinate system etc Plane resolutions etc CMSSW Framework Online Framework User Analysis RAW Event Data xtalTracks
Offline Software Overview Reconstruction output – xtalTracks To contain: Incident and outgoing track angles (and errors) in x and y, at the crystal position The impact points (and errors) at the crystal from each track The 2 measured for each track The goniometer coordinates reported by the XtalDAQSupervisor when the event is recorded Anything else?
Offline Software Status FED Event Unpacker Strip Clusteriser XY Hit Producer Global Track Producer siStripDigis siStripClusters xtalXYHits FED/APV mappings etc APV noises, gains, thresholds etc Plane alignments, global coordinate system etc Plane resolutions etc CMSSW Framework Online Framework User Analysis RAW Event Data xtalTracks Complete
Offline Software Status Software almost complete – track reconstruction and fitting tested and works Documentation/tutorial on how to run simple reconstruction required Summary Progress made in simplifying & automating DAQ and software for non-expert use while simultaneously increasing scale and complexity of system A few weeks required to finish online and offline software frameworks Goniometer/controller required at some point for full testing Comments/Input?
Plan to use serial connection between DAQ PC and Micos Corvus Eco Goniometer Controller Serial connection to be lengthened to ~80m for communication between control room and beam area using Minicom RS-232 Extender and transmission over Cat5 Ethernet cable DAQ PC uses C libraries for controlling/monitoring goniometer within the XtalDAQSupervisor Can also be setup/calibrated/controlled/monitored using Micos controller software (Venus1Term) P. Valente